ffmpeg | branch: master | Martin Storsjö <mar...@martin.st> | Sat Dec 31 
22:27:13 2016 +0200| [b8f66c0838b4c645227f23a35b4d54373da4c60a] | committer: 
Martin Storsjö

aarch64: vp9itxfm: Reorder iadst16 coeffs

This matches the order they are in the 16 bpp version.

There they are in this order, to make sure we access them in the
same order they are declared, easing loading only half of the
coefficients at a time.

This makes the 8 bpp version match the 16 bpp version better.

Signed-off-by: Martin Storsjö <mar...@martin.st>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=b8f66c0838b4c645227f23a35b4d54373da4c60a

 libavcodec/aarch64/vp9itxfm_neon.S | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/aarch64/vp9itxfm_neon.S 
index d4fc2163aa..93dc736f01 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aarch64/vp9itxfm_neon.S
+++ b/libavcodec/aarch64/vp9itxfm_neon.S
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ idct_coeffs:
 const iadst16_coeffs, align=4
-        .short  16364, 804, 15893, 3981, 14811, 7005, 13160, 9760
-        .short  11003, 12140, 8423, 14053, 5520, 15426, 2404, 16207
+        .short  16364, 804, 15893, 3981, 11003, 12140, 8423, 14053
+        .short  14811, 7005, 13160, 9760, 5520, 15426, 2404, 16207
 // out1 = ((in1 + in2) * v0[0] + (1 << 13)) >> 14
@@ -628,19 +628,19 @@ function iadst16
         ld1             {v0.8h,v1.8h}, [x11]
         dmbutterfly_l   v6,  v7,  v4,  v5,  v31, v16, v0.h[1], v0.h[0]   // 
v6,v7   = t1,   v4,v5   = t0
-        dmbutterfly_l   v10, v11, v8,  v9,  v23, v24, v1.h[1], v1.h[0]   // 
v10,v11 = t9,   v8,v9   = t8
+        dmbutterfly_l   v10, v11, v8,  v9,  v23, v24, v0.h[5], v0.h[4]   // 
v10,v11 = t9,   v8,v9   = t8
         dbutterfly_n    v31, v24, v6,  v7,  v10, v11, v12, v13, v10, v11 // 
v31     = t1a,  v24     = t9a
         dmbutterfly_l   v14, v15, v12, v13, v29, v18, v0.h[3], v0.h[2]   // 
v14,v15 = t3,   v12,v13 = t2
         dbutterfly_n    v16, v23, v4,  v5,  v8,  v9,  v6,  v7,  v8,  v9  // 
v16     = t0a,  v23     = t8a
-        dmbutterfly_l   v6,  v7,  v4,  v5,  v21, v26, v1.h[3], v1.h[2]   // 
v6,v7   = t11,  v4,v5   = t10
+        dmbutterfly_l   v6,  v7,  v4,  v5,  v21, v26, v0.h[7], v0.h[6]   // 
v6,v7   = t11,  v4,v5   = t10
         dbutterfly_n    v29, v26, v14, v15, v6,  v7,  v8,  v9,  v6,  v7  // 
v29     = t3a,  v26     = t11a
-        dmbutterfly_l   v10, v11, v8,  v9,  v27, v20, v0.h[5], v0.h[4]   // 
v10,v11 = t5,   v8,v9   = t4
+        dmbutterfly_l   v10, v11, v8,  v9,  v27, v20, v1.h[1], v1.h[0]   // 
v10,v11 = t5,   v8,v9   = t4
         dbutterfly_n    v18, v21, v12, v13, v4,  v5,  v6,  v7,  v4,  v5  // 
v18     = t2a,  v21     = t10a
         dmbutterfly_l   v14, v15, v12, v13, v19, v28, v1.h[5], v1.h[4]   // 
v14,v15 = t13,  v12,v13 = t12
         dbutterfly_n    v20, v28, v10, v11, v14, v15, v4,  v5,  v14, v15 // 
v20     = t5a,  v28     = t13a
-        dmbutterfly_l   v6,  v7,  v4,  v5,  v25, v22, v0.h[7], v0.h[6]   // 
v6,v7   = t7,   v4,v5   = t6
+        dmbutterfly_l   v6,  v7,  v4,  v5,  v25, v22, v1.h[3], v1.h[2]   // 
v6,v7   = t7,   v4,v5   = t6
         dbutterfly_n    v27, v19, v8,  v9,  v12, v13, v10, v11, v12, v13 // 
v27     = t4a,  v19     = t12a
         dmbutterfly_l   v10, v11, v8,  v9,  v17, v30, v1.h[7], v1.h[6]   // 
v10,v11 = t15,  v8,v9   = t14

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