On Sun, 24 Aug 2014 00:28:56 +0200, =?utf-8?B?Q2zDqW1lbnQgQsWTc2No?= 
<u...@pkh.me> wrote:
> Hi,
> Kieran suggested tonight on #ffmpeg-devel to have a common mailing-list
> between the two projects to start communicating again in sane terms.
> The proposition would be a mailing-list where the 2 projects would send
> the patches that will make API evolutions. So the projects can continue to
> drop or add codecs & filters without caring about the other, but will try
> to communicate more about the API, for the sake of our common users.
> At first, I suggest that won't engage anything from any of the two
> projects (so we don't end up in a stalled states such as one project
> trying to block the other), but it could be seen as a way to introduce
> some common technical ground.
> What do you think?

While some kind of non-hostile coexistence or even cooperation is desirable and
might even be possible, I have large doubts that this specific approach can

First, some of your project's developers (most importantly your leader)
are being actively hostile to our project. That includes spreading FUD about us
all over the internet, stalking our new contributors, etc. I do not think any
kind of cooperation can work while this crap goes on.

Second, how do you propose this arrangement will actually function? As you
probably know, I see many of the API additions done in your project as ugly
hacks, and would be strongly opposed to having them in our tree in their current
form. Conversely, some API changes done in Libav were AFAIK rejected by your
leader. So -- what happens when one side proposes a change that the other side
fundamentally disagrees with.
And furthermore -- what would ensure that the code actually gets pushed to both
trees. Because otherwise there really is no point to this.

Anton Khirnov
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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