No, it won't work because the libraries are for different purposes.

as per your example, 4xm in the libavcodec directory is for decoding the
file, it implements the actual algorithm. 4xm in the libavformat directory
is for demuxing the codec from the 4xm container, you need both for it to

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Lynn Yu <> wrote:

> I've build ffmpeg static libraries,  and all necessary objs (*.o) generated
> in their source directory.
> I use 'ar' to archive all these objs into one libffmpeg.a.
> command: *ar rc libffmpeg.a *.o*
> I notice that, there are some objs have same name in different dirs, for
> example *libavformat/4xm.o and libavcodec/4xm.o*.
> by 'nm libffmpeg.a', it seems both objs are there?
> 'man ar' I find that, if obj with same name and Exactly with same function
> symbols, latter one will be replaced ,right?
> by this 'ar' way, will libffmpeg.a work correctly? because there so many
> symbols I can't test every one.
> thanks for help!
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