My name is Liujun Liu, a developer of x265 group.
firstly I want to describe what the problem is. There is an option HI_BIT_DEPTH 
in x265 CMake build option, this is for 10 bits video encoder, by default this 
option is off, so it encodes video as 8 bits precision(even there is command 
line to force encode as 10 bits, but the precision is only 0~255). however, we 
want to make it 
also possible for real 10 bits video encoding in one ffmpeg build, so what we 
expect is that the user build two x265 share libraries, one is 8bit, called 
libx265, the other is libx265_10, they have the same API,  the ffmpeg can 
invoke either one dynamically by the command line option --profile main10 is 
added or not(default is main), so is that possible for me to submit a patch to 
ffmpeg to let it dynamic invoke the x265 share library.

if it is get the approval, can you give me some advices by how to change it in 
a good way because I'm a newer for ffmpeg. 

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