On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 02:43:13PM +0000, Kevin Wheatley wrote:
> Hi,
> currently when writing ACLR atoms to .mov's there is a 'corruption'
> caused by the function mov_write_avid_tag() writing an additional 4
> bytes of zero's. this is potentially then followed by other atoms colr
> and pasp. Looking at the specifications it appears this 4 bytes is
> supposed to occur at the end of the stsd if at all, as it is optional.
> I'm working on a patch to fix the 'corruption' but wondered how to
> handle the optional terminator:
> 1) Don't write one ever
> 2) Write one if requested by adding a flag to -movflags stdsterminator
> 3) Write one by default, add a 'nostdsterminator' flag (needs a better name)
> 4) always write one.
> I'm favouring 2 or 3

what difference does the terminator make ?
does it improve compatibility with other software ?

> Currently I've done option 1 see
> https://github.com/KevinJW/FFmpeg/compare/mov_dnxhd_stsd_corruption
> Thanks
> Kevin
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