On 03-05-2020 08:36 pm, Manolis Stamatogiannakis wrote:

I've noticed what appears to be a bug/missing feature in the subtitles
filter: when "-ss" is used for the input, it is not applied to the
subtitles stream. E.g., for the following command line, the video playback
will start on 20:10, but the subtitles will start from 00:00.

ffmpeg -re -ss 20:10.00 -i input.mp4
         -vf subtitles=subs.srt \
         -c:v libx264 crf 25 -c:a aac -ab 160k \
         -strict experimental \
         -f flv $RTMP_URL

This should be fairly straightforward to fix and review, so I'd like to
directly submit a patch rather than opening a bug and having someone else
fix it. As I'm not an expert with the ffmpeg internals, I'd like some
guidance on implementing a proper fix.

What would be considered more appropriate:
(a) automatically skipping the subtitles for the time specified by -ss?
(b) adding a shift option to the subtitles filter that allows shifting
subtitles time by specific time?
(c) something else I can't think of?

-ss executes a seek for that input. The subtitles filter does not have access to that data. You can add an option to the subtitles filter that also carries out a seek. And make sure to adjust timestamps depending on the seek match.

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