> if the path later is going to end up in a codepath that expects it to be UTF8 
> (please do check!), then we should go that way instead

I checked. datadir ends up in (cmdutils.c:2104)

    base[2] = datadir;

and base[*] are later used in (cmdutils.c:2112 or 2116)

    snprintf(filename, filename_size, "%s%s/%s.ffpreset", base[i],
             i != 1 ? "" : "/.ffmpeg", preset_name);
    f = fopen(filename, "r");

On Windows fopen expects ANSI encoded strings, so we cannot change the encoding 
to UTF-8 without rewriting the rest of the function.

I've also overlooked something from your previous comment.

> unless passing them to an external API

Previous version of the manifest 
(https://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2022-February/293109.html) included


which makes CP_ACP the same as CP_UTF8. Unfortunately external APIs must also 
opt in for such a change, otherwise they won't be able to decode the strings 
FFmpeg sent them. A new version of the manifest without code page changes is at 

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