Le nonidi 9 brumaire, an CCXXIV, Ganesh Ajjanagadde a écrit :
> Sample benchmark (x86-64, Haswell, GNU/Linux):
> File: original from https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/1430
> command: ffmpeg -stream_loop 8 -i file.webm -vf deshake=rx=64:ry=64 -f null -
> Timer truncated at 1024 runs.
> new:
> 39676 decicycles in qsort,    1024 runs,      0 skips
> old:
>   86783 decicycles in qsort,    1024 runs,      0 skips

What was inside the start/stop_timer block? I see that the qsort call is
after a very expensive loop, I suspect those few thousand cycles may be
completely negligible in front of the loop itself.


  Nicolas George

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