Le decadi 20 frimaire, an CCXXIV, Andreas Cadhalpun a écrit :
> I'm not sure it's that easy. If that were correct, it would become
> GPL-compatible to distribute a GPL-licensed program linked with a
> proprietary library by simply inserting a MIT licensed header in the middle.

But yes, it is that easy. Well, if you want to use -lfoo instead of
dlopen(), you need libfoo.so too, not just foo.h. But the gist of it is that
with dynamic linking, the copyleft limitations of the GPL are trivial to

This is in fact, a good thing, because that shows that copyright is weak.
Remember that the GPL is not a good thing, it is an evil thing: using the
weapons of your enemies against them. If the weapons are weaker than
expected, so much the better.

> The GPL-3 requires that the 'Corresponding Source' of the distributed object 
> code
> is also distributed. This is defined as [1]:
> The “Corresponding Source” for a work in object code form means all the source
> code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object
> code[...]

Remember that copyright is for works of art. Art has no obligation to work.
If you can run the program until it crashes with "error while loading shared
libraries", then technically it fulfills the requirements of the GPL.
Otherwise, you would be violating the GPL each time you make a bug.


  Nicolas George

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