On Sat, 12 Dec 2015, Paul B Mahol wrote:

On 12/12/15, Mats Peterson <matsp888-at-yahoo....@ffmpeg.org> wrote:
On Sat, 12 Dec 2015, Michael Niedermayer wrote:

On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 11:17:00AM +0000, Mats Peterson wrote:
Obviously that private data is cropped in some way then, since the
minimum size of a video sample description in QuickTime video is 86

FFmpeg tries to support all kind of odd and broken files, so even if
the file is invalid, continuing to support it would be better

Personally I don't see why it should support broken files, but your
mileage may vary, of course. So just keep the value 21 then.

Have you provided file that doesn't work?

I got a sample Matroska file from Michael Niedermayer with V_QUICKTIME video and with a private data of only 21 bytes, when it should be at least 86 bytes, which is the minimum size for a video sample description in QuickTime.


Mats Peterson
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