On 12/27/2015 10:38 AM, Mats Peterson wrote:
On 12/27/2015 10:30 AM, Hendrik Leppkes wrote:
On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 4:42 AM, Mats Peterson
<matsp888-at-yahoo....@ffmpeg.org> wrote:
On 12/27/2015 03:57 AM, Mats Peterson wrote:

On 12/27/2015 03:03 AM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:

+    if (!(stsd = av_malloc(70)))
+        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

the malloc is unneeded, an array on the stack could be used (its just
a fixed 70 bytes)
this would also simplify the error handling

Yes, I thought so. I tried to be "a good boy", but that was
obviously to
no avail ;)

+int ff_get_qtpalette(int codec_id, uint8_t *stsd, AVIOContext *pb,
+        uint32_t *palette);

missing doxy documentation, missing "const" for unchanged arrays
also why does this need a "byte" array and a AVIOContext as input
arguments ?
iam asking as this looks a bit confusing with 2 inputs ...

Regarding doxy documentation, I notice several files in libavformat are
lacking doxy documentation (if what you mean by "doxy documentation" is
a comment beginning with /**). I don't know what to put it in
either, at
that. Please help me out.

And regarding two inputs, well, the problem is that matroskadec.c has
the video sample description stored in its in-memory private data,
mov.c reads the video sample description from the file. I don't want to
mess too much with the logic in mov.c, that's why I provide both a
"memory" and a "file" input. Confusing, yes, slightly, but necessary as
long as you want a common function to be called from both sources. If
anyone else manages to come up with something better WITHOUT BREAKING
IT, no problem. It does take some knowledge about the structure of a
QuickTime video sample description.


ffmpeg-devel mailing list

Actually I would prefer that nobody touches what I've been doing,
since it
works just fine right now, and it can be easily broken if you start
to "improve it". Belive me, I've tried.

And we would prefer if code is actually clean and not a convoluted
mess, and if you don't want us improving it, and you don't want to do
it yourself, then thats too bad.

- Hendrik
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

It's not a convoluted mess. It's better to have one function that is
called by two different demuxers than duplicating code. And since it
works well right now, why change it? We will see what Michael
Niedermayer says about this. After all, he is the maintainer.


Read the explanation above thoroughly, and you will hopefully understand the problem.


Mats Peterson
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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