Hi all,

I’m reviewing the FFV1 Draft Specification [1] and commenting here specifically 
upon the General Description section and have some questions to clarify the 
meaning of this section. I’m cross-posting to ffmpeg-devel though responses are 
welcomed on either list though encouraged on the IETF Cellar working group 
listserv [2].

The General Description section [3] contains this introductory paragraph:

"Each frame is split in 1 to 4 planes (Y, Cb, Cr, Alpha). In the case of the 
normal YCbCr colorspace the Y plane is coded first followed by the Cb and Cr 
planes, if an Alpha/transparency plane exists, it is coded last. In the case of 
the JPEG2000-RCT colorspace the lines are interleaved to improve caching 
efficiency since it is most likely that the RCT will immediately be converted 
to RGB during decoding; the interleaved coding order is also Y, Cb, Cr, Alpha."

Two colorspaces are referenced, YCbCr(with optional Alpha) and JPEG2000-RCT 
(Reversible Color Transform), but the RCT sentence doesn’t reference planar 
storage. Does an RCT encoding store with planes and if so how many places are 
used and what are their names (3 planes or one packed plane)? Also is storage 
of an alpha plane with RCT planes allowed?

What is the meaning of “line" in the paragraph above? What does "In the case of 
the JPEG2000-RCT colorspace the lines are interleaved” mean?

Re: "Each frame is split in 1 to 4 planes". I'd like to be more specific. From 
this reading it seems like 2 planes is possible; however, are 2 plane encodings 
possible (grayscale with alpha or Y with only Cb)?

Re: "since it is most likely that the RCT will immediately be converted to RGB 
during decoding”. Is there anyone other conversion possible?

Best Regards,
Dave Rice

[1] https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFV1/blob/master/ffv1.md
[2] Cellar listserv subscription info: 

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