> So what about the release tag? Well it is a quite useful extension because of
> the already mentioned possibility of determining the existing features at 
> once.
> I'm pro adding it to the version string.

The release tags are not made in the master branch, so git describe
won't pick them up.
They also don't have a meaning for master, as there are distinct commits
between the two.

> The tag-tag? (devxy) I don't see it anywhere except in git and therefore it is
> uselessly redundant to the existing hash tag in my eyes. Why add another more
> roughly estimation of the users repo-state? I don't think this should be added
> to the version string.

A new dev tag is made every time a release is branched off, to indicate
development of the next ffmpeg version started there, so using it for
the version number seems natural to me.

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