On 06/03/2016 03:46 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
Sorry for forgetting to reply.

L'octidi 8 prairial, an CCXXIV, Marton Balint a écrit :
What if we decouple the non-blocking queue and the retry on failure logic to
a separate "buffer" or "fifo" muxer?

This seems like what you are trying to do, and by using the exisiting muxer
interface, we don't have to design new API around it.

Although I don't yet see if using three levels of muxing (E.g. the tee muxer
invokes the fifo muxer, which will invoke the underlying real muxer) can
cause any unseen problems or not.
Implementing the non-blocking logic in a separate muxer would indeed avoid
most of my objections. It would still be very far from a real solution to
the non-blocking problem, but it can certainly do for now.
Great! I guess I can do it that way then :)

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