Hi all

The next Outreachy round starts soon
FFmpeg has till august 22 IIUC (https://www.gnome.org/outreachy/)
to express interrest to participate.

We need an admin and backup admins.
They need to create the wiki page(s) for this round, and make sure
the pages are in shape by the time applicants start pouring in.
make sure applicants questions (like "[FFmpeg-devel] need guidance")
get awnsered
recruite mentors,
secure funding (as in confirming with the community and stefano that
SPI/FFIS funding can be used for one slot or find another sponsor)
contact the Outreachy admins and express that FFmpeg wants to
participate, ...
Reply to any questions the outreachy admins have
Make sure that during the project nothing goes wrong like a mentor
disappearing and if something goes wrong deal with it

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

If you drop bombs on a foreign country and kill a hundred thousand
innocent people, expect your government to call the consequence
"unprovoked inhuman terrorist attacks" and use it to justify dropping
more bombs and killing more people. The technology changed, the idea is old.

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