On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 08:50:08PM +0200, Moritz Barsnick wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 14:49:28 +0300, Станислав Долганов wrote:
> > +static int decode_q_branch(FFV1Context *f, int level, int x, int y){
> > +    RangeCoder *const c = &f->slice_context[0]->c;
> > +    OBMCContext *s = &f->obmc;
> > +    const int w= s->b_width << s->block_max_depth;
> This whole function breaks ffmpeg style (wrt brackets and whitespace)
> throughout. How come style is so different here from the rest of the
> patch?

This code is based on libavcodec/snowdec.c:static int decode_q_branch
Fixing formating is very welcome but it should be in a seperate patch

Or could you tell me what has changed between a reformatted
decode_q_branch() and the original in libavcodec/snowdec.c
thats not reformatted ?
I cant easily, which would make review of this change much harder ...


> > +    coder->c.bytestream_start = coder->c.bytestream = coder->buffer; 
> > //FIXME end/start? and at the other stoo
> Do the FIXMEs need to get fixed before the patch is ready for
> inclusion?

I think this originate from:

origin/master:libavcodec/snowenc.c:    pc.bytestream= p_buffer; //FIXME 
end/start? and at the other stoo
origin/master:libavcodec/snowenc.c:    ic.bytestream= i_buffer; //FIXME 
end/start? and at the other stoo
master:libavcodec/snowenc.c:    coder->c.bytestream_start = 
coder->c.bytestream= coder->buffer; //FIXME end/start? and at the other stoo

i think the FIXME should be kept, whatever it meant when code is
either way this is not a fixme stanislav added so he cant know what
it means ...

about the rest of the review, thanks alot for the help!


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give
it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For
even the very wise cannot see all ends. -- Gandalf

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