Le septidi 17 vendémiaire, an CCXXVI, Hendrik Leppkes a écrit :
> Usually those not happy with an existing solution should also offer up
> a replacement, even if only in concept (actual implementable concept,
> not just a slogan)

That is the policy for enhancements, but not for flaws. When a flaw is
spotted in a patch, the burden of fixing has always belonged to the
person who proposes the patch, in principle before the patch is
accepted, but failing that it should be done quickly or the flawed code
should be removed.

I can accept that "working with other filters" is an enhancement, but
"increasing the attack surface" and "making sandboxing harder" are
definitely flaws.

Therefore it is not unreasonable to demand the people who want these
features to implement them in a way that does not raise security
concerns, and reject the patches if they do not.


  Nicolas George

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