If first_seq_no is not within the bounds of timelines then a segfault
will occur.

This patch removes the use of first_seq_no within the timelines array

It also adds first_seq_no to the value returned by 
(which allows for different values of 'startNumber')

Signed-off-by: Brendan McGrath <red...@redmandi.dyndns.org>

This can be reproduced by creating a dash file with the following command:
ffmpeg -i in.ts -f dash -window_size 2 out.mpd

and then after about 10 seconds run ffprobe against it. 

The SegementTemplatei of out.mpd will look something like this:
  <SegmentTemplate timescale="48000" 
media="chunk-stream$RepresentationID$-$Number%05d$.m4s" startNumber="7">
      <S t="2196480" d="480256" r="1" />

So the code was trying to access the 7th element within the timeline
array (which only had one element).

The patch doesn't worry about checking for a negative value after deducting the 
seconds as calc_next_seg_no_from_timelines accepts a signed int and works 
correctly with
negative values.

 libavformat/dashdec.c | 11 ++++-------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavformat/dashdec.c b/libavformat/dashdec.c
index 2492f1d..cdb7ba5 100644
--- a/libavformat/dashdec.c
+++ b/libavformat/dashdec.c
@@ -1083,15 +1083,12 @@ static int64_t calc_cur_seg_no(AVFormatContext *s, 
struct representation *pls)
         if (pls->n_fragments) {
             num = pls->first_seq_no;
         } else if (pls->n_timelines) {
-            start_time_offset = get_segment_start_time_based_on_timeline(pls, 
0xFFFFFFFF) - pls->timelines[pls->first_seq_no]->starttime; // total duration 
of playlist
-            if (start_time_offset < 60 * pls->fragment_timescale)
-                start_time_offset = 0;
-            else
-                start_time_offset = start_time_offset - 60 * 
-            num = calc_next_seg_no_from_timelines(pls, 
pls->timelines[pls->first_seq_no]->starttime + start_time_offset);
+            start_time_offset = get_segment_start_time_based_on_timeline(pls, 
0xFFFFFFFF) - 60 * pls->fragment_timescale; // 60 seconds before end
+            num = calc_next_seg_no_from_timelines(pls, start_time_offset);
             if (num == -1)
                 num = pls->first_seq_no;
+            else
+                num += pls->first_seq_no;
         } else if (pls->fragment_duration){
             if (pls->presentation_timeoffset) {
                 num = pls->presentation_timeoffset * pls->fragment_timescale / 

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