> On Feb 5, 2018, at 4:20 PM, Jerome Martinez <jer...@mediaarea.net> wrote:
> On 03/02/2018 14:48, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>> I hope this will not reduce interrest in working on a improved
>> 9-16bit mode in v4.
> I don't like to put politics in technical stuff, but here this is politics, 
> and I think that blocking an easy improvement of FFV1 v3 encoding/decoding in 
> FFmpeg (actually just using the current FFV1 v3, and also v1 actually, 
> specification without having artificial limitations about bit depths for a 
> specific color space, i.e. 16-bit support was already there for YUV before I 
> work on FFV1) just for forcing people to do a completely different work (e.g. 
> working on FFV1 v4) is not fair and IMO is not in the idea behind open source.
> IMO if interest for 9-16bit (side note: I don't see why 8-bit should not be 
> in the range, some ideas I have for v4 are useful also for 8-bit) mode in v4 
> is reduced, that would only mean that v3 is already so great and/or just that 
> people have no better idea right now, it is not bad, and both works (using v3 
> at the maximum of its possibilities and working on v4) are separate works. 
> FYI criticism I saw about FFV1 is not compression ratio but speed (playing a 
> 4K stream is just impossible on a "normal" machine, you need a very expensive 
> CPU for that) so my plan is to focus on speed improvement in priority. It 
> could be v4 stuff (incompatible changes), or v3 (encoder/decoder 
> optimization), depending of what I find.

IMHO, improved higher bit depths in version 4 is very interesting. We already 
have a few noted exceptions where version 4 is intended to fix and optimize a 
few things of version 3 (signed 16 bit handling, RGB plane order for 9-15 
bits), so a change in optimization of high bit depth handling seems already 
appropriate for consideration.

>> [...]
>>> Last but not least, since almost two years now it's impossible
>>> to work on the development of FFV1 v4. It's always the wrong
>>> time and/or the wrong place every time I am doing something for
>>> this cause. Why? This is extremely frustrating.
>> I want to understand this too. IMO v4 development should be more
>> important than or at least equally to the v3 draft polishing and neither
>> should block the other.
> Also politics, but I don't understand who is blocking v4 from your point of 
> view. "impossible to work on v4"? Where? As far as I see 1 person (me) said 
> his priority is having FFV1 v3 becoming a standard (so IETF related work) and 
> widely used (so any bit depth for any supported color space in v3 because it 
> is an easy demonstration that FFV1 is versatile without having to wait for v4 
> R&D, especially because v3 bitstream design is already pretty good and 
> versatile) because this is what I need, and my personal case is not blocking 
> anyone else for sending patches for either FFV1 specifications or FFmpeg code 
> about v4. Eager to see patch proposals for v4 (and v3 if it does not break 
> support of files in the wild), whoever feeling blocked with his patches 
> should send patch proposals to either FFmpeg (code) or CELLAR mailing list 
> (bitstream format).
> That said, I plan to add more pix_fmt support for FFV1 v3 (which is already a 
> good format!) support in FFmpeg and some optimization ideas beside my work 
> for IETF spec, with the hope we could speak about technical issues (e.g. more 
> optimization hints or info about wrong code or warning about that it breaks 
> the bitstream specs as currently written), leaving aside politics.

In the cellar charter and timeline, the effort to produce a informational 
specification for FFV1 video codec versions 0, 1 and 3 precedes the effort to 
produce a specification for FFV1 video codec version 4. Initially I anticipated 
that the version 4 specification would be a fork from the completed version 
0,1,3 draft; however, I think the current approach (one doc that ‘makes’ both 
outputs) works well to allow version 4 work to proceed without blocking any 
remaining version 0,1,3 work. Still I suggest that we resolve 
https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFV1/pull/87 and 
https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFV1/pull/71 soon as IMHO the version 0,1,3 
informational specification is very close to a last call and submission to the 
IESG (chairs are welcome to offer other opinions ;) ). So while I encourage 
resolution to these pull requests, it seems we have a good system to manage 
concurrent work on both FFV1 goals of the charter.

Kind Regards,
Dave Rice

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