On 20.03.2018 16:02, Nicolas George wrote:
Derek Buitenhuis (2018-03-19):
If you want to link with a C++ library that is indeed the 'proper' solution.
As far as I am aware "several languages all have that requirement" is simply
a theoretical scenario that doesn't actually exist. What else beside C++
requires this?

No, it is not a theoretical scenario: most languages that produce native
code have the requirement to produce the final binary using their
toolchain. It is true for OCaml: you need to use ocamlopt to produce a
binary, even if using a third-party C library; I believe it is true for
Rust too.

Not really. You can compile parts of a program in Rust (as a static library) and link it to other parts in C producing the final binary with e.g gcc.

The problem happens when you want to mix several of these languages,
because the requirements are incompatible.

Fortunately, most people who program in other languages than C are not
stupid enough to use them to produce libraries, except for use with that
language itself. Except c++ people, for some reason.

If the libraries don't depend on some run-time environment and provide a C-compatible ABI, mixing languages (like C, Delphi, Rust) is not a problem.


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