tis 2018-05-15 klockan 21:21 +0100 skrev Derek Buitenhuis:
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 9:10 PM, Tomas Härdin <tjop...@acc.umu.se>
> wrote:
> > Why don't we do this for every format?
> In this case, it is specific to MOV and MP4, since it's caused by the
> way we apply edit lists at the packet level (reordering, marking them
> as discard, changing timestamps, etc.). Previously we didn't much
> care to set the discard-flagged packet timestamps properly, which is
> what this fixes. It's not a high-level vsync sort of thing.

I see. Well, I don't remember too much about MOV these day so I'll
leave this to someone else to actually comment on :o

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