>>>>>> I have read this patch some problem for this patch.
>>>>>> 1. maybe there will have a problem when duration is not same when every 
>>>>>> fragment, for example:
>>>>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$ ./ffmpeg -v quiet -i 
>>>>>> ~/Movies/Test/bbb_sunflower_1080p_30fps_normal.mp4 -c copy -f hls 
>>>>>> -hls_list_size 0 output_test.m3u8
>>>>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$ head -n 10  output_test.m3u8
>>>>>> #EXTM3U
>>>>>> #EXT-X-VERSION:3
>>>>>> #EXTINF:3.866667,
>>>>>> output_test0.ts
>>>>>> #EXTINF:7.300000,
>>>>>> output_test1.ts
>>>>>> #EXTINF:8.333333,
>>>>>> output_test2.ts
>>>>>> the output_test0.ts’s duration is short than output_test1.ts, the 
>>>>>> #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION need update to the longest duration.
>>>>>> this operation (check the longest duration) will happen at every 
>>>>>> fragment write complete.
>>>>>> it will not update when move the update option to the hls_write_header,
>>>>> This is a problem in the code that splits the mpegts files. I've filed a 
>>>>> separate issue for this here: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/7341. Mpegts 
>>>>> segmentation should be following the hls_time parameter (or the default 
>>>>> length).
>>>> This is whatever hls_time, is decide by keyframe position, this is happen 
>>>> when GOP size is not a permanent t position.
>>>>> This is happening now with fMP4 assets, but not with mpegts.
>>>> Whatever fmp4 or mpegts, all of them need fix the problem of duration 
>>>> refresh.
>>>> for example:
>>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$ ./ffmpeg -ss -v quiet -i 
>>>> ~/Movies/Test/bbb_sunflower_1080p_30fps_normal.mp4 -c copy -f hls 
>>>> -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_type fmp4 -hls_time 3 output_test.m3u8
>>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$ head -n 10  output_test.m3u8
>>>> #EXTM3U
>>>> #EXT-X-MAP:URI="init.mp4"
>>>> #EXTINF:3.866667,
>>>> output_test0.m4s
>>>> #EXTINF:7.300000,
>>>> output_test1.m4s
>>>> #EXTINF:8.333333,
>>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$
>>> This is after your patch:
>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$  ./ffmpeg -ss 17 -v quiet -i 
>>> ~/Movies/Test/bbb_sunflower_1080p_30fps_normal.mp4 -c copy -f hls 
>>> -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_type fmp4 -hls_time 3 output_test.m3u8
>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$ head -n 10  output_test.m3u8
>>> #EXTM3U
>>> #EXT-X-MAP:URI="init.mp4"
>>> #EXTINF:3.866667,
>>> output_test0.m4s
>>> #EXTINF:7.300000,
>>> output_test1.m4s
>>> #EXTINF:8.333333,
>>> The RFC https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8216.txt describe:
>>> The EXT-X-TARGETDURATION tag specifies the maximum Media Segment
>>> duration.  The EXTINF duration of each Media Segment in the Playlist
>>> file, when rounded to the nearest integer, MUST be less than or equal
>>> to the target duration; longer segments can trigger playback stalls
>>> or other errors.  It applies to the entire Playlist file.  Its format
>>> is:
>>> where s is a decimal-integer indicating the target duration in
>>> seconds.  The EXT-X-TARGETDURATION tag is REQUIRED.
>>> your patch make the EXT-X-TARGETDURATION less than EXTINF:7.300000 
>>> EXTINF:8.333333
>>>>>> 2. the version maybe will update when use hls_segment_type or 
>>>>>> append_list etc. when the operation is support from different version 
>>>>>> m3u8.
>>>>> I don't follow what you mean here. The version number is known up front, 
>>>>> based on the options that were passed in. It should be illegal to switch 
>>>>> between versions when trying to update an existing manifest. When can 
>>>>> this legitimately happen?
>>>> there maybe have some player cannot support high version of m3u8, for 
>>>> example old parser or player just support the VERSION 3,
>>>> this must think about all of the player or parser, because ffmpeg is not 
>>>> used only by myself.
>>>> Or what about get the #EXT-X-VERSION position, to update it? looks like 
>>>> flvenc.c or movenc.c date shift
>>>>>> 3. need update segments vs->segments when hls_list_size option is set.
>>>>> What do you mean by this and where should I do it?
>>>> for example, hls_list_size is 4, the m3u8 list should refresh every time 
>>>> when make a new fragment.
>>>> first time:
>>>> 1.m4s
>>>> 2.m4s
>>>> 3.m4s
>>>> 4.m4s
>>>> sencond time:
>>>> 2.m4s
>>>> 3.m4s
>>>> 4.m4s
>>>> 5.m4s
>>> after your patch:
>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$  ./ffmpeg -v quiet -i 
>>> ~/Movies/Test/bbb_sunflower_1080p_30fps_normal.mp4 -c copy -f hls 
>>> -hls_list_size 4 -hls_segment_type fmp4 -hls_time 3 -t 50 output_test.m3u8
>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$ cat output_test.m3u8
>>> #EXTM3U
>>> #EXT-X-MAP:URI="init.mp4"
>>> #EXTINF:3.866667,
>>> output_test0.m4s
>>> #EXTINF:7.300000,
>>> output_test1.m4s
>>> #EXTINF:8.333333,
>>> output_test2.m4s
>>> #EXTINF:3.966667,
>>> output_test3.m4s
>>> #EXTINF:8.333333,
>>> output_test4.m4s
>>> #EXTINF:4.033333,
>>> output_test5.m4s
>>> #EXTINF:8.333333,
>>> output_test6.m4s
>>> #EXTINF:4.633333,
>>> output_test7.m4s
>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$
>>> liuqideMacBook-Pro:xxx liuqi$
>>> the m3u8 list is incorrect, because users want control the m3u8 list 
>>> length, because their disk do not have enough space to save the fragments.
>> Ok I will fix this.

I'm attaching a new patch that resolves all of these issues, while still 
resolving this bug for VOD playlists.

Can you please review?

Attachment: 0001-libavformat-hlsenc-Fix-HLS-Manifest-Generation-from-.patch
Description: Binary data



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