2018-11-27 14:26 GMT+01:00, Lauri Kasanen <c...@gmx.com>:
> ./ffmpeg_g -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s hd1080 -i /dev/zero -pix_fmt
> yuv420p9le \
> -f null -vframes 100 -v error -nostats -
> Speedups:
> yuv2plane1_9BE_vsx    11.2042
> yuv2plane1_9LE_vsx    11.156
> yuv2plane1_10BE_vsx   9.89428
> yuv2plane1_10LE_vsx   10.3637
> yuv2plane1_12BE_vsx   9.71923
> yuv2plane1_12LE_vsx   11.0404
> yuv2plane1_14BE_vsx   10.1763
> yuv2plane1_14LE_vsx   11.2728
> Fate passes, each format tested with an image to video conversion.
> Depends on "swscale/ppc: Move VSX-using code to its own file".

> Only tested on LE.

This patch breaks output on BE, tested with fate-v410enc and:
$ ffmpeg -i fate-suite/lena.pnm -pix_fmt yuv420p10 -vcodec ffv1 out.nut

Carl Eugen
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