Hi, chen

----- 原始邮件 -----
> 发件人: "chen" <chenm...@163.com>
> 收件人: "FFmpeg development discussions and patches" <ffmpeg-devel@ffmpeg.org>
> 发送时间: 星期二, 2019年 12 月 03日 下午 4:59:06
> 主题: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 3/3] avfilter/vf_convolution: add X86 SIMD for 
> filter_column()

> comments inline in code
> At 2019-12-03 15:52:07, xuju...@sjtu.edu.cn wrote:
>>From: Xu Jun <xuju...@sjtu.edu.cn>
>>+; void filter_column(uint8_t *dst, int height,
>>+;                         float rdiv, float bias, const int *const matrix,
>>+;                         const uint8_t *c[], int length, int radius,
>>+;                         int dstride, int stride);
>>+%if ARCH_X86_64
>>+INIT_XMM sse4
>>+%if UNIX64
>>+cglobal filter_column, 8, 15, 7, dst, height, matrix, ptr, width, rad, 
>>stride, i, ci, dst_off, off16, c_off, sum, r
>>+cglobal filter_column, 8, 15, 7, dst, height, rdiv, bias, matrix, ptr, width,
>>rad, dstride, stride, i, ci, dst_off, off16, c_off, sum, r
> no idea, these are difficult to read and understand

I will rename some variables to make it more readable. Do I need to add some 
notes here?

>>+%if WIN64
>>+    SWAP m0, m2
>>+    SWAP m1, m3
>>+    mov r2q, matrixmp
>>+    mov r3q, ptrmp
>>+    mov r4q, widthmp
>>+    mov r5q, radmp
>>+    mov r6q, dstridemp
>>+    mov r7q, stridemp
>>+    DEFINE_ARGS dst, height, matrix, ptr, width, rad, dstride, stride, i, ci,
>>dst_off, off16, c_off, sum, r
>>+movsxdifnidn widthq, widthd
>>+movsxdifnidn radq, radd
>>+movsxdifnidn dstrideq, dstrided
>>+movsxdifnidn strideq, strided
>>+sal radq, 1
>>+add radq, 1     ;2*radius+1
> I don't know how about compare to "LEA x,[y*2+1]"
> And....I want not discuss in between SAL and SHL

I think lea is better and I will change in the next version.

>>+movsxdifnidn heightq, heightd
>>+pxor m6, m6
>>+movss m5, [half]
>>+xor dst_offq, dst_offq
>>+xor c_offq, c_offq
>>+    xor off16q, off16q
>>+    cmp widthq, mmsize/4
>>+    jl .loopr
>>+    mov rq, widthq
>>+    and rq, mmsize/4-1
>>+    sub widthq, rq
>>+    .loop16: ;parallel process 16 elements in a row
> Processing 4 column per loop, are you means, we want to save lots of unused
> register?
> We claim X64, so we have 16 of XMMs

Will use more XMMs and process 16 column at a time.

>>+        pxor m4, m4
>>+        xor iq, iq
>>+        .loopi:
>>+            movss m2, [matrixq + 4*iq]
> no idea that you working on Float data path, we are lucky, Intel CPU sounds 
> not
> penalty in here.

Will change to Interger data path using movd.
And movd seems to have less CPI than movss.

>>+            VBROADCASTSS m2, m2
>>+            mov ciq, [ptrq + iq * gprsize]
>>+            movss m3, [ciq + c_offq] ;c[i][y*stride + off16]
>>+            punpcklbw m3, m6
>>+            punpcklwd m3, m6
> Since you claim SSE4, the instruction PMOVZXBD available, moreover, SSE4
> register can be full fill 16 of uint8, but load 4 of them only.

I thought that since I would multiply 4 ints, loading 4 uint8s per loop is OK.
Now I know that read 16 uint8s and shuffle them is faster.
Will change in next version.

>>+            pmulld m2, m3
>>+            paddd m4, m2
>>+            add iq, 1
>>+            cmp iq, radq
> When you initial iq to radq and decrement per loop, you can reduce one
> instruction
> I know iq is work as index in the loop, but we can found some trick over 
> there.

Will change in next V.

>>+            jl .loopi
>>+        cvtdq2ps m4, m4
>>+        mulps m4, m0     ; sum *= rdiv
>>+        addps m4, m1     ; sum += bias
>>+        addps m4, m5     ; sum += 0.5
> I don't know how about precision mismatch if we pre-compute (bias+0.5)

Here may not be modified after discussions.

>>+        cvttps2dq m4, m4
>>+        packssdw m4, m4
>>+        packuswb m4, m4
>>+        movss [dstq + dst_offq], m4
>>+        add c_offq, mmsize/4
>>+        add dst_offq, mmsize/4
>>+        add off16q, mmsize/4
>>+        cmp off16q, widthq
>>+        jl .loop16
>>+    add widthq, rq
>>+    cmp off16q, widthq
>>+    jge .paraend
>>+    .loopr:
> no idea about this loop, if we can read beyond, we can reuse above SIMD code

Here may not be modified too.

Xu Jun

>>+        xor sumd, sumd
>>+        xor iq, iq
>>+        .loopr_i:
>>+            mov ciq, [ptrq + iq * gprsize]
>>+            movzx rd, byte [ciq + c_offq]
>>+            imul rd, [matrixq + 4*iq]
>>+            add sumd, rd
>>+            add iq, 1
>>+            cmp iq, radq
>>+            jl .loopr_i
>>+        pxor m4, m4
>>+        cvtsi2ss m4, sumd
>>+        mulss m4, m0     ; sum *= rdiv
>>+        addss m4, m1     ; sum += bias
>>+        addss m4, m5     ; sum += 0.5
>>+        cvttps2dq m4, m4
>>+        packssdw m4, m4
>>+        packuswb m4, m4
>>+        movd sumd, m4
>>+        mov [dstq + dst_offq], sumb
>>+        add c_offq, 1
>>+        add dst_offq, 1
>>+        add off16q, 1
>>+        cmp off16q, widthq
>>+        jl .loopr
>>+    .paraend:
>>+    sub c_offq, widthq
>>+    sub dst_offq, widthq
>>+    add c_offq, strideq
>>+    add dst_offq, dstrideq
>>+    sub heightq, 1
>>+    cmp heightq, 0
>>+    jg .loopy
>>+    RET
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Yours sincerely, 
Xu Jun 
School of Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering 
Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
Email: xuju...@sjtu.edu.cn 
No. 800, Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China 

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