Deiz <> added the comment:

I didn't realize --unsigned was what was causing the output issue (As it turns
out, that's dmix mixing the 0 dB sample with other output.) but that's not the
underlying issue.

I have a copyrighted file (which I'm not going to upload) which is prepended by
10 minutes of silence, and then contains roughly a minute of audio. When I play
the FLAC with ffplay or mplayer, bad things happen.

For example, seeking with ffplay results in "Seek to 43% (-247034:-20:-58) of
total duration (-577014:-32:-22)". Seek errors seem to be common with all files,
but if I play a WAV of the same track, it outputs a sane amount: Seek to 38% (
0:04:14) of total duration ( 0:11:01)

Does ffmpeg differentiate between decoding to disk and decoding for use by audio
devices? The fact that no FFmpeg-using application is able to play the FLAC
tells me something's wrong.

status: closed -> open
substatus: invalid -> 

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