New submission from Robert Schlabbach <>:

It appears that when using an RTP input URL, the input 
is _not_ passed through the RTP parser, but instead 
the "raw" packets still containing the (unparsed) RTP 
header are directly passed to the contained protocol 
handler, such as mpegts.

I haven't figured out the exact code paths, so far I 
can tell that in:


the function read_packet() gets buffers that start 
with the RTP header rather than the MPEG-2 TS sync 
byte. As the RTP header may contain the same byte 
value as the MPEG-2 TS sync byte, MPEG-2 TS 
synchronization is erroneous.

E.g. using the command line:

./ffprobe rtp://

to probe an RTP/UDP stream containing MPEG-2 TS 
exhibits this behavior.

I'm actually wondering if there is any scenario in 
which the RTP parser actually gets invoked?

messages: 12164
priority: normal
status: new
substatus: new
title: RTP parser not invoked for rtp:// URLs
type: bug

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