#6665: Image sequence - feature request: add -end_number parameter
             Reporter:  edouardb     |                     Type:
               Status:  new          |  enhancement
            Component:  ffmpeg       |                 Priority:  normal
             Keywords:  image        |                  Version:
  sequene                            |  unspecified
             Blocking:               |               Blocked By:
Analyzed by developer:  0            |  Reproduced by developer:  0

 As per the FAQ (https://www.ffmpeg.org/faq.html#How-do-I-encode-single-
 pictures-into-movies_003f) there is a "-start_number" parameter that can
 be passed to start the encoding at a given frame/image sequence number.

 I wish that there would be an "-end_number" parameter that could exist as

 It would permit us to encode a portion of an image sequence.

 At my studio it's normal to have 50 thousand frames in a given scene.
 With that added parameter it would allow us to script ffmpeg to encode
 without moving/copying the rendered files selection in another folder.
 The current behavior is to encode until there is no more files matching
 the digit (%d) parameter in the working folder.


Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/6665>
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