#6903: Muxing TS into MKV container
             Reporter:               |                     Type:  defect
  alexrichmond                       |                 Priority:  important
               Status:  new          |                  Version:  git-
            Component:               |  master
  undetermined                       |               Blocked By:
             Keywords:  TS MKV       |  Reproduced by developer:  0
  Muxing                             |
             Blocking:               |
Analyzed by developer:  0            |

 I know people have had this problem in the past and then it seems to sort
 itself out, or they give up and try something else. But I'm having great
 difficuilty muxing a TS into MKV container and I'm looking for some help

 I have tried many different versions of ffmpeg and can't seem to find one
 that will do this.

 This is my first time submitting a bug here, so hopefully I'll do it
 properly and I appreciate any help :)

 The command is:
 ffmpeg.exe -fflags genpts -i "C:\\latestffmpeg\\BBCTWO.ts" -c:v copy -c:a
 copy "C:\\latestffmpeg\\muxed.mkv"


 It works great at 1st and then fails with errors. This happens on many
 different TS files, so its not just this particular file.

 I tried to upload the TS to the ffmpeg ftp server but I kept on getting a
 timeout when trying to connect. So I've uploaded it to uploadfiles.io
 which also means anybody who doesn't have read access to ffmpeg's ftp
 server wants to download the file can see if they can get it to work with
 ffmpeg. the link is:

 This report has used the most recent nightly git build. But if anybody can
 get this working with any version of ffmpeg, please let me know.

 Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any help :)

 I will have to split this ticket as when i tried to post it said it was
 too long, probably because of the -report info.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/6903>
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