#7469: "-hwaccel auto" fail in some case
             Reporter:  Sami32       |                     Type:  defect
               Status:  new          |                 Priority:  normal
            Component:               |                  Version:  git-
  undetermined                       |  master
             Keywords:  hwaccel      |               Blocked By:
  auto                               |  Reproduced by developer:  0
             Blocking:               |
Analyzed by developer:  0            |
 Summary of the bug:
 Doesn't show any error message but do not proceed the command line.
 Work without "-hwaccel auto" or setting manually the paramater "-hwaccel
 Maybe due to some old CPU with MMX and SSE support only?

 How to reproduce:
 % ffmpeg -y -v 9 -loglevel 99 -report -hwaccel auto -i
 -bufsize 31250k -maxrate 31250k -crf 19 -ab 640k -c:a ac3 -c:v libx264
 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -level 41 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mpegts
 ffmpeg version N-91977-ge33b28cc79 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg
   built with gcc 8.2.0 (GCC)
   configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-avisynth
 --enable-fontconfig --enable-gnutls --enable-libaom --enable-libass
 --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio
 --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm
 --enable-libilbc --enable-libkvazaar --enable-libmfx --enable-libmodplug
 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb
 --enable-libopenh264 --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-
 librtmp --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-
 libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvo-amrwbenc
 --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp
 --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-libxml2
 --enable-libzimg --enable-opengl --enable-pthreads --disable-w32threads
 --disable-dxva2 --disable-debug --pkg-config-flags=--static --extra-
 ldflags=-static --extra-cflags='-mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -msse'
 --cpu=i686 --optflags='-O2 -finline-fun  libavutil      56. 19.101 / 56.
   libavcodec     58. 30.100 / 58. 30.100
   libavformat    58. 18.101 / 58. 18.101
   libavdevice    58.  4.103 / 58.  4.103
   libavfilter     7. 32.100 /  7. 32.100
   libswscale      5.  2.100 /  5.  2.100
   libswresample   3.  2.100 /  3.  2.100
   libpostproc    55.  2.100 / 55.  2.100
 Splitting the commandline.
 Reading option '-y' ... matched as option 'y' (overwrite output files)
 with argument '1'.
 Reading option '-v' ... matched as option 'v' (set logging level) with
 argument '9'.
 Reading option '-loglevel' ... matched as option 'loglevel' (set logging
 level) with argument '99'.
 Reading option '-report' ... matched as option 'report' (generate a
 report) with argument '1'.
 Reading option '-hwaccel' ... matched as option 'hwaccel' (use HW
 accelerated decoding) with argument 'auto'.
 Reading option '-i' ... matched as input url with argument
 Reading option '-bufsize' ... matched as AVOption 'bufsize' with argument
 Reading option '-maxrate' ... matched as AVOption 'maxrate' with argument
 Reading option '-crf' ... matched as AVOption 'crf' with argument '19'.
 Reading option '-ab' ... matched as option 'ab' (audio bitrate (please use
 -b:a)) with argument '640k'.
 Reading option '-c:a' ... matched as option 'c' (codec name) with argument
 Reading option '-c:v' ... matched as option 'c' (codec name) with argument
 Reading option '-tune' ... matched as AVOption 'tune' with argument
 Reading option '-preset' ... matched as AVOption 'preset' with argument
 Reading option '-level' ... matched as AVOption 'level' with argument
 Reading option '-pix_fmt' ... matched as option 'pix_fmt' (set pixel
 format) with argument 'yuv420p'.
 Reading option '-f' ... matched as option 'f' (force format) with argument
 Reading option 'NUL' ... matched as output url.
 Finished splitting the commandline.
 Parsing a group of options: global .
 Applying option y (overwrite output files) with argument 1.
 Applying option v (set logging level) with argument 9.
 Applying option loglevel (set logging level) with argument 99.
 Applying option report (generate a report) with argument 1.
 Successfully parsed a group of options.
 Parsing a group of options: input url
 Applying option hwaccel (use HW accelerated decoding) with argument auto.
 Successfully parsed a group of options.
 Opening an input file:
 [NULL @ 08022100] Opening
 for reading
 [file @ 08022d80] Setting default whitelist 'file,crypto'
 [matroska,webm @ 08022100] Format matroska,webm probed with size=2048 and
 st:0 removing common factor 1000000 from timebase
 st:1 removing common factor 1000000 from timebase
 st:2 removing common factor 1000000 from timebase
 st:3 removing common factor 1000000 from timebase
 st:4 removing common factor 1000000 from timebase
 st:5 removing common factor 1000000 from timebase
 st:6 removing common factor 1000000 from timebase
 [matroska,webm @ 08022100] Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 5976
 bytes read:32768 seeks:0 nb_streams:7
 [h264 @ 08034d00] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [h264 @ 08034d00] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [h264 @ 08034d00] nal_unit_type: 7(SPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [h264 @ 08034d00] nal_unit_type: 8(PPS), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [h264 @ 08034d00] nal_unit_type: 6(SEI), nal_ref_idc: 0
 [h264 @ 08034d00] nal_unit_type: 5(IDR), nal_ref_idc: 3
 [h264 @ 08034d00] Format yuv420p chosen by get_format().
 [h264 @ 08034d00] Reinit context to 1280x544, pix_fmt: yuv420p
 [h264 @ 08034d00] no picture
 [matroska,webm @ 08022100] All info found
 [matroska,webm @ 08022100] After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 27464
 bytes read:32768 seeks:0 frames:11
 Guessed Channel Layout for Input Stream #0.1 : 5.1
 Input #0, matroska,webm, from
     encoder         : libebml v1.3.6 + libmatroska v1.4.9
   Duration: 00:41:12.99, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 2591 kb/s
     Stream #0:0, 4, 1/1000: Video: h264 (High), 1 reference frame,
 yuv420p(progressive, left), 1280x544 [SAR 1:1 DAR 40:17], 0/1, 23.98 fps,
 23.98 tbr, 1k tbn, 47.95 tbc (default)
     Stream #0:1, 7, 1/1000: Audio: eac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1, fltp (default)
     Stream #0:2(eng), 0, 1/1000: Subtitle: subrip
       title           : English
     Stream #0:3(swe), 0, 1/1000: Subtitle: subrip
       title           : Swedish
     Stream #0:4(nor), 0, 1/1000: Subtitle: subrip
       title           : Norwegian
     Stream #0:5(ger), 0, 1/1000: Subtitle: subrip
       title           : German
     Stream #0:6(fin), 0, 1/1000: Subtitle: subrip
       title           : Finnish
 Successfully opened the file.
 Parsing a group of options: output url NUL.
 Applying option ab (audio bitrate (please use -b:a)) with argument 640k.
 Applying option c:a (codec name) with argument ac3.
 Applying option c:v (codec name) with argument libx264.
 Applying option pix_fmt (set pixel format) with argument yuv420p.
 Applying option f (force format) with argument mpegts.
 Successfully parsed a group of options.
 Opening an output file: NUL.
 [file @ 0804f140] Setting default whitelist 'file,crypto'
 Successfully opened the file.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/7469>
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