#7516: ffmpeg 3.4.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 and n4.0.2 hls timeout not working
             Reporter:  mvasi90     |                     Type:  defect
               Status:  new         |                 Priority:  normal
            Component:  ffmpeg      |                  Version:  3.4
             Keywords:  rw_timeout  |               Blocked By:
             Blocking:              |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0           |
 I'm trying to download from hls url (m3u8) and save it to mkv (or mp4)
 I'm using -rw_timeout 3000000 (3 seconds) and I'm simulating a network
 disconnection with
 sudo rfkill block all
 This cause ffmpeg to wait forever. I want ffmpeg to close if no response
 after a period of time.

 How to reproduce:
 % ffmpeg -rw_timeout 3000000 -v 9 -loglevel 99 -i
 https://web.server.com/playlist.m3u8 -c copy a.mkv
 Two versions tested:

 ffmpeg version n4.0.2
 built with gcc 8.2.1 (GCC) 20180831

 ffmpeg version 3.4.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg
 built with gcc 7 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)

 [username@PC]$ ffmpeg -rw_timeout 3000000 -v 9 -loglevel 99 -i
 https://web.server.com/playlist.m3u8 -c copy a.mkv
 ffmpeg version n4.0.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
   built with gcc 8.2.1 (GCC) 20180831
   configuration: --prefix=/usr --disable-debug --disable-static --disable-
 stripping --enable-fontconfig --enable-gmp --enable-gnutls --enable-gpl
 --enable-ladspa --enable-libaom --enable-libass --enable-libbluray
 --enable-libdrm --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgsm
 --enable-libiec61883 --enable-libjack --enable-libmodplug --enable-
 libmp3lame --enable-libopencore_amrnb --enable-libopencore_amrwb --enable-
 libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-libsoxr --enable-
 libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libv4l2 --enable-
 libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-
 libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxcb --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid
 --enable-nvdec --enable-nvenc --enable-omx --enable-shared --enable-
   libavutil      56. 14.100 / 56. 14.100
   libavcodec     58. 18.100 / 58. 18.100
   libavformat    58. 12.100 / 58. 12.100
   libavdevice    58.  3.100 / 58.  3.100
   libavfilter     7. 16.100 /  7. 16.100
   libswscale      5.  1.100 /  5.  1.100
   libswresample   3.  1.100 /  3.  1.100
   libpostproc    55.  1.100 / 55.  1.100
 Splitting the commandline.
 Reading option '-rw_timeout' ... matched as AVOption 'rw_timeout' with
 argument '3000000'.
 Reading option '-v' ... matched as option 'v' (set logging level) with
 argument '9'.
 Reading option '-loglevel' ... matched as option 'loglevel' (set logging
 level) with argument '99'.
 Reading option '-i' ... matched as input url with argument
 Reading option '-c' ... matched as option 'c' (codec name) with argument
 Reading option 'a.mkv' ... matched as output url.
 Finished splitting the commandline.
 Parsing a group of options: global .
 Applying option v (set logging level) with argument 9.
 Successfully parsed a group of options.
 Parsing a group of options: input url
 Successfully parsed a group of options.
 Opening an input file: https://web.server.com/playlist.m3u8.
 [NULL @ 0x558c32f88480] Opening 'https://web.server.com/playlist.m3u8' for
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] Setting default whitelist
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] request: GET /playlist.m3u8 HTTP/1.1
 User-Agent: Lavf/58.12.100
 Accept: */*
 Range: bytes=0-
 Connection: close
 Host: web.server.com
 Icy-MetaData: 1

 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] http_code=206
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Server: nginx'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:38:37 GMT'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Content-Type:
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Content-Length: 621'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Connection: close'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Vary: Accept-Encoding'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Date,
 Server, Content-Type, Content-Length'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Cache-Control: no-cache'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS,
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-
 Type, User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Range'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='X-Cache-Status: HIT'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header='Content-Range: bytes 0-620/621'
 [https @ 0x558c32f89000] header=''
 Probing hls,applehttp score:100 size:621
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] Format hls,applehttp probed with
 size=2048 and score=100
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] Opening
 'https://web.server.com/chunklist_w367960315_b448000.m3u8' for reading
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] request: GET /chunklist_w367960315_b448000.m3u8
 User-Agent: Lavf/58.12.100
 Accept: */*
 Connection: keep-alive
 Host: web.server.com
 Icy-MetaData: 1

 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] http_code=200
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Server: nginx'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:38:38 GMT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Type:
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Length: 220'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Connection: keep-alive'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Vary: Accept-Encoding'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Date,
 Server, Content-Type, Content-Length'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Cache-Control: no-cache'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS,
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-
 Type, User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Range'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='X-Cache-Status: HIT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Accept-Ranges: bytes'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header=''
 [https @ 0x558c335ca940] Opening
 'https://web.server.com/chunklist_w367960315_b848000.m3u8' for reading
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] request: GET /chunklist_w367960315_b848000.m3u8
 User-Agent: Lavf/58.12.100
 Accept: */*
 Connection: keep-alive
 Host: web.server.com
 Icy-MetaData: 1

 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] http_code=200
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Server: nginx'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:38:39 GMT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Type:
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Length: 220'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Connection: keep-alive'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Vary: Accept-Encoding'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Date,
 Server, Content-Type, Content-Length'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Cache-Control: no-cache'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS,
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-
 Type, User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Range'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='X-Cache-Status: HIT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Accept-Ranges: bytes'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header=''
 [https @ 0x558c335ca940] Opening
 'https://web.server.com/chunklist_w367960315_b1148000.m3u8' for reading
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] request: GET /chunklist_w367960315_b1148000.m3u8
 User-Agent: Lavf/58.12.100
 Accept: */*
 Connection: keep-alive
 Host: web.server.com
 Icy-MetaData: 1

 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] http_code=200
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Server: nginx'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:38:39 GMT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Type:
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Length: 223'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Connection: keep-alive'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Vary: Accept-Encoding'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Date,
 Server, Content-Type, Content-Length'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Cache-Control: no-cache'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS,
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-
 Type, User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Range'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='X-Cache-Status: HIT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Accept-Ranges: bytes'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header=''
 [https @ 0x558c335ca940] Opening
 'https://web.server.com/chunklist_w367960315_b1896000.m3u8' for reading
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] request: GET /chunklist_w367960315_b1896000.m3u8
 User-Agent: Lavf/58.12.100
 Accept: */*
 Connection: keep-alive
 Host: web.server.com
 Icy-MetaData: 1

 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] http_code=200
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Server: nginx'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:38:39 GMT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Type:
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Length: 221'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Connection: keep-alive'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Vary: Accept-Encoding'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Date,
 Server, Content-Type, Content-Length'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Cache-Control: no-cache'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS,
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-
 Type, User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Range'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='X-Cache-Status: HIT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Accept-Ranges: bytes'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header=''
 [https @ 0x558c335ca940] Opening
 'https://web.server.com/chunklist_w367960315_b3096000.m3u8' for reading
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] request: GET /chunklist_w367960315_b3096000.m3u8
 User-Agent: Lavf/58.12.100
 Accept: */*
 Connection: keep-alive
 Host: web.server.com
 Icy-MetaData: 1

 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] http_code=200
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Server: nginx'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:38:39 GMT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Type:
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Content-Length: 223'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Connection: keep-alive'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Vary: Accept-Encoding'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Date,
 Server, Content-Type, Content-Length'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Cache-Control: no-cache'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS,
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-
 Type, User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Range'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='X-Cache-Status: HIT'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header='Accept-Ranges: bytes'
 [https @ 0x558c335c1140] header=''
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] new_program: id=0x0000
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] new_program: id=0x0001
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] new_program: id=0x0002
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] new_program: id=0x0003
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] new_program: id=0x0004
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] HLS request for url
 'https://web.server.com/media_w367960315_b448000_1210.ts', offset 0,
 playlist 0
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] Opening
 'https://web.server.com/media_w367960315_b448000_1210.ts' for reading
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] request: GET /media_w367960315_b448000_1210.ts
 User-Agent: Lavf/58.12.100
 Accept: */*
 Connection: keep-alive
 Host: web.server.com
 Icy-MetaData: 1

 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] http_code=200
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Server: nginx'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:38:40 GMT'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Content-Type: video/MP2T'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Content-Length: 143256'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Connection: keep-alive'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Date,
 Server, Content-Type, Content-Length'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Cache-Control: no-cache'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS,
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-
 Type, User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Range'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='X-Cache-Status: HIT'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header='Accept-Ranges: bytes'
 [https @ 0x558c33030780] header=''
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] HLS request for url
 'https://web.server.com/media_w367960315_b448000_1211.ts', offset 0,
 playlist 0
 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] Opening
 'https://web.server.com/media_w367960315_b448000_1211.ts' for reading

 here I'm executing: 'sudo rfkill block all' to simulate network
 ffmpeg freezes forever, no timeout
 to stop it: ctrl+c and the following error appears

 [hls,applehttp @ 0x558c32f88480] Error when loading first segment
 [AVIOContext @ 0x558c33034f00] Statistics: 0 bytes read, 0 seeks
 [AVIOContext @ 0x558c335c1280] Statistics: 1107 bytes read, 0 seeks
 [AVIOContext @ 0x558c335b1e40] Statistics: 621 bytes read, 0 seeks
 https://web.server.com/playlist.m3u8: Immediate exit requested
 Exiting normally, received signal 2.


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