On 12/16/2014 11:25 AM, Georgi Chorbadzhiyski wrote:
On 12/16/2014 11:07 AM, Peter Rabbitson wrote:
On 12/15/2014 06:49 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
Peter Rabbitson <rabbit+list <at> rabbit.us> writes:

ffmpeg -r 30 -f v4l2 -s 1920x1080 -vcodec h264

I believe -r 30 does not do what you think it does
and it may be the reason for the issues you see.
Is there a problem if you remove it?

-i /dev/v4l/by-id/*HD_Pro_Webcam_C920* \
     -c:v copy -f matroska -

I've used Logitech C920 and noticed that the camera drops it's frame rate
without signaling it. So what happened was that I was seeing stuttering
in high resolutions and only when I dropped the camera resolution to 640x480
I was able to get steady input fps.

The lowering of frame rate occurred when the camera lens do not receive
enough light.

You are may be seeing similar problem.

Ha! This may very well be my problem... Could you please look at the video at http://vimeo.com/114550042 and tell me if this "feels" similar to the stuttering you were witnessing? As first order of business I want to find out if my particular camera is to blame, or there is something happening with the cmera->driver pipeline.

I tried with more light and smaller frame-size - didn't notice any difference.

I guess next step is the USB device redirected to a windows VM and trying things with a windows version of ffmpeg. Bleh!
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