Hello guys,

I've some issues on a FFMPEG command related to the rtsp_transport option.
The command is the following:

*.\ffmpeg.exe -i "rtsp://[camera_endpoint]" -c:v libx264 -b:v 150k -maxrate
150k -s 320x240 -threads 0 -profile:v baseline -preset:v ultrafast -vf
format=yuv420p -tune zerolatency -x264opts keyint=30 -an -rtsp_transport
tcp-f rtsp "rtmp://localhost:1935/live/132646"*

It goes in warn with the following string: "UDP timeout, retrying with TCP"
After that, an error is shown: "method PAUSE failed: 551 Option not

Instead, if I launch the following command:

*.\ffmpeg.exe rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://[camera_endpoint]" -c:v libx264
-b:v 150k -maxrate 150k -s 320x240 -threads 0 -profile:v baseline -preset:v
ultrafast -vf format=yuv420p -tune zerolatency -x264opts keyint=30 -an
-rtsp_transport tcp-f rtsp "rtmp://localhost:1935/live/132646"*

All works well!!!

Why if I specify the rtsp_transport works well and why in the first case
doesn't work?

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