Andy Furniss wrote:
Andy Furniss wrote:

Strange, unless there is something in the pngs that causes a
different viewer to produce different output.

I looked again (display from ancient imagemagic) and can't see any
difference - psnr/ssim agree.

The pngs are not the same md5sum wise

md5sum frame1-yuv-709.png frame1-master.png
1c086ed015ebe05aa1cfc66d9fe754a3  frame1-yuv-709.png
91ab580b1db4361fcceadaffd24930bd  frame1-master.png

The obvious difference between the pngs is master is bigger by 60 bytes
and it has extra info in it, I can see with ffmpeg -i ... that SAR and
DAR are shown - nothing about 709 but maybe that's in there as well?

I tried making another png from yuv using out_color_matrix as well as
in_color_matrix, but it produced the same file (md5sum) as just

I found the difference using identify from ImageMagick - I don't know why display doesn't seem to show it for me but ...

identify -verbose frame1-yuv-709.png > idout-709
identify -verbose frame1-master.png > idout-master
diff idout-master idout-709
< Image: frame1-master.png
> Image: frame1-yuv-709.png
<   Resolution: 1x1
<   Print size: 1920x1080
<   Gamma: 0.50994
>   Gamma: 0.454545
<     date:create: 2016-01-04T21:52:55+00:00
<     date:modify: 2016-01-04T21:52:55+00:00
<     png:cHRM                 : chunk was found (see Chromaticity, above)
<     png:gAMA                 : gamma=0.45454544 (See Gamma, above)
>     date:create: 2016-01-04T22:04:11+00:00
>     date:modify: 2016-01-04T22:04:11+00:00
<     png:pHYs                 : x_res=1, y_res=1, units=0
>     png:pHYs                 : x_res=0, y_res=1, units=0
<     filename: frame1-master.png
>     filename: frame1-yuv-709.png
<   User time: 0.050u
<   Elapsed time: 0:01.060
>   User time: 0.060u
>   Elapsed time: 0:01.059

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