Am 16.02.2016 um 21:13 schrieb
On Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 2:46 PM, "Reindl Harald" 
<> pontificated:

Am 16.02.2016 um 20:26 schrieb
I am not trying to "destroy" your ancient list software. If it's that fragile, 
maybe it's time to retire it!

maybe you have noe clue was threading means

here you see it in reality:

here the theory:[]

I love it when someone gets on their high horse to try to correct someone and then shows 
total disregard for proper spelling.  You must be a real idiot if you can't spell the 
word "no"!  Here's a clue for you:

there is a difference between a fast typo (in a foreign language) and no clue how to operate a mail client which works the same way everywhere for decades

"I have never come across ANY other email system that just silently discards any message that is not pure plain text"- well, there is not point to write HTML until you want to format something

to be honest: it should not disard them but reply with "idiot write plain text when there is nothing to format and colorize"

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