Dear all,

I’m trying reencode a H264 stream to MPEG2.  The H264 is interlaced,  top field 
first stream.
For the output MPEG2 stream,  I also want a interlaced, TFF stream.

FFMPEG command:
“ffmpeg.exe -i f:\BUGS\YingHai_ENCODER\ORIGINAL\out.h264 -vf 
yadif=0:tff,scale=720:576,colormatrix=bt709:bt601,interlace -pix_fmt yuv420p 
-vcodecmpeg2video -flags +ildct+ilme -alternate_scan 1 -trellis 2 -tff -dc 10 
-g 12 �Cbf 2 -qmin 1 -qmax 31 -b:v 6000k -minrate 1000000 -maxrate 9000000 
-bufsize 1835008 -packetsize 2048 -muxrate 10080000  output_0.ts”

But output_0.ts seemed like frame coding,  it’s terrible on Motion Scene.

So can anyone whether my command is correct?  How to indicate field coding?

I’m looking forward your reply.

Best regards,


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