On 10/3/18, redneb8888 <redneb8...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi *,
> ffprobe can nowadays produce JSON output, which is quite convenient
> sometimes. I am trying to use that feature in order to get the output
> of volumedetect as JSON. I tried the following:
>     ffprobe -loglevel error -of json=c=1 -show_entries root -f lavfi
> -i 'movie=filename=clip.mkv:streams=a,volumedetect'
> The "-show_entries root" means that all information should be included
> in the JSON output, but still I cannot find anything from volumedetect
> there. On the other hand, the above trick works just fine with other
> filters, e.g. for cropdetect you can do
>     ffprobe -loglevel error -of json=c=1 -show_entries frame_tags -f
> lavfi -i 'movie=filename=clip.mkv:streams=v,cropdetect'
> Is there a way to make this work? Or is this a shortcoming of volumedetect?

No way, it is shortcoming of volumedetect. It outputs info at uninit only.

If you are interested in peak volume only try astats filter.
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