so I try lot of ffmpeg switch

ffmpeg -r 25 -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:1234@ -c:v libx264 -b:v 2M -c:a copy -vf "[in]drawtext=fontfile='C\:\\Windows\\Fonts\\cour.ttf': textfile='Z\:\\k\\v\\T_A\\P.txt': x=180: y=30: reload=1: fontcolor=black: fontsize=50: box=1: boxborderw=5: boxcolor=red@0.8 , drawtext=fontfile='C\:\\Windows\\Fonts\\cour.ttf': textfile='Z\:\\k\\v\\T_A\\F.txt': x=180: y=75: reload=1: fontcolor=black: fontsize=50: box=1: boxborderw=5: boxcolor=white@0.8 , drawtext=fontfile='C\:\\Windows\\Fonts\\cour.ttf': textfile='Z\:\\k\\v\\T_A\\O.txt': x=30: y=30: reload=1: fontcolor=black: fontsize=60: box=1: boxborderw=5: boxcolor=aqua@0.8 , drawtext=fontfile='C\:\\Windows\\Fonts\\cour.ttf': textfile='Z\:\\k\\v\\T_A\\M.txt': x=30: y=80: reload=1: fontcolor=black: fontsize=47: box=1: boxborderw=5: boxcolor=yellow@0.8[out]" -preset ultrafast -f flv rtmp://

I fixed the rate, and the output bitrate , and -preset utltrafast set

cpu usage 50% down to 20% it is better but not enough
because i using 4 cameras, processor usage ~80% , I cooked my notebook...
How to go below cpu usage

Or there are other ways to text write video stream?


2019. 01. 29. 22:02 keltezéssel, Michael Shaffer írta:
Ok, I didn't know that. I guess it must be the encoding to h264 that the
GPU is helping with.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 11:23 PM Carl Eugen Hoyos <>

2019-01-29 0:06 GMT+01:00, Michael Shaffer <>:
Hi, we are also streaming a Hikvision cctv camera to youtube. We're not
putting text on the image but are using the "-vf curves" command to
eliminate fog. The CPU was unable to do the curves filter at 30fps above
1080p. We put my GeForce 1060 3GB in the computer, and it doesn't use
CPU at all now. Here is the command we're using that uses the Nvidia GPU.

This may not be related but allow me to add that the curves filter can
only run on CPU, and does not use GPU at all.

Carl Eugen
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