
I've gone through the hassle of compiling ffmpeg binary for Android

The problem is that it doesn't work - it pretends to be active but does nothing.

Is anybody here able to help?


shell log (logcat in attachment) :

130|markw:/storage/emulated/0 # /data/ffmpeg -loglevel trace -y -f
android_camera -camera_index 1 -framerate 30 -i 0 output.raw
ffmpeg version v4.2-dev-1156 Copyright (c) 2000-2019 the FFmpeg developers
  built with Android (5058415 based on r339409) clang version 8.0.2
7a6618d69e7e8111e1d49dc9e7813767c5ca756a) (based on LLVM 8.0.2svn)
  configuration: --cross-prefix=aarch64-linux-android-
--pkg-config=/usr/bin/pkg-config --enable-version3 --arch=aarch64
--cpu=armv8-a --cc=aarch64-linux-android24-clang
--cxx=aarch64-linux-android24-clang++ --target-os=android
--enable-neon --enable-asm --enable-inline-asm --enable-cross-compile
--enable-pic --enable-jni --enable-optimizations --enable-swscale
--disable-shared --disable-v4l2-m2m --disable-outdev=v4l2
--disable-outdev=fbdev --disable-indev=v4l2 --disable-indev=fbdev
--enable-small --disable-openssl --disable-xmm-clobber-test
--disable-debug --enable-lto --disable-neon-clobber-test
--disable-postproc --disable-doc --disable-htmlpages
--disable-manpages --disable-podpages --disable-txtpages
--enable-static --disable-sndio --disable-schannel
--disable-securetransport --disable-xlib --disable-cuda
--disable-cuvid --disable-nvenc --disable-vaapi --disable-vdpau
--disable-videotoolbox --disable-audiotoolbox --disable-appkit
--disable-alsa --disable-cuda --disable-cuvid --disable-nvenc
--disable-vaapi --disable-vdpau --disable-sdl2 --disable-zlib
  libavutil      56. 26.100 / 56. 26.100
  libavcodec     58. 47.106 / 58. 47.106
  libavformat    58. 26.101 / 58. 26.101
  libavdevice    58.  7.100 / 58.  7.100
  libavfilter     7. 48.100 /  7. 48.100
  libswscale      5.  4.100 /  5.  4.100
  libswresample   3.  4.100 /  3.  4.100
Splitting the commandline.
Reading option '-loglevel' ... matched as option 'loglevel' (set
logging level) with argument 'trace'.
Reading option '-y' ... matched as option 'y' (overwrite output files)
with argument '1'.
Reading option '-f' ... matched as option 'f' (force format) with
argument 'android_camera'.
Reading option '-camera_index' ... matched as AVOption 'camera_index'
with argument '1'.
Reading option '-framerate' ... matched as AVOption 'framerate' with
argument '30'.
Reading option '-i' ... matched as input url with argument '0'.
Reading option 'output.raw' ... matched as output url.
Finished splitting the commandline.
Parsing a group of options: global .
Applying option loglevel (set logging level) with argument trace.
Applying option y (overwrite output files) with argument 1.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Parsing a group of options: input url 0.
Applying option f (force format) with argument android_camera.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Opening an input file: 0.
[android_camera @ 0x7af8ab9600] Requested video_size 0x0 not
available, falling back to 2592x1944
[android_camera @ 0x7af8ab9600] Android camera capture session is active.
^C^C^CReceived > 3 system signals, hard exiting


S pozdravom / Best regards
Daniel Kucera.
05-28 14:10:26.246  2042  2042 D HeadsetPhoneState: sendDeviceStateChanged. 
mService=1 mIsSimStateLoaded=true mSignal=2 mRoam=1 mBatteryCharge=4
05-28 14:10:27.024   886   886 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call 
(PID -1 "", camera ID 1) for HAL version default and Camera API version 2
05-28 14:10:27.026   886   886 E CameraService: No packages for calling UID
05-28 14:10:27.026   886   886 I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 1: Opened. Client:  
(PID 16866, UID 0)
05-28 14:10:27.026   886   886 I CameraDeviceClient: CameraDeviceClient 1: 
05-28 14:10:27.029   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> cameraDeviceOpen: 388: 
Open camera id 1 API version 768
05-28 14:10:27.039   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> openCamera: 659: [KPI 
Perf]: E PROFILE_OPEN_CAMERA camera id 1
05-28 14:10:27.087   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 63: 
mct_controller_new: Creating new mct_controller with session-id 2
05-28 14:10:27.087   920 16870 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4035: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E sensor
05-28 14:10:27.088   920 16870 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4042: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Calling start_session on Module sensor
05-28 14:10:27.088   920 16871 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4035: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E iface
05-28 14:10:27.088   920 16873 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4035: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E isp
05-28 14:10:27.088   920 16871 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4042: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Calling start_session on Module iface
05-28 14:10:27.088   920 16873 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4042: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Calling start_session on Module isp
05-28 14:10:27.088   920 16873 I mm-camera: <ISP   >< INFO> 196: 
isp_module_start_session: session id 2
05-28 14:10:27.089   920 16874 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4035: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E stats
05-28 14:10:27.089   920 16874 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4042: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Calling start_session on Module stats
05-28 14:10:27.089   920 16875 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4035: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E pproc
05-28 14:10:27.089   920 16875 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4042: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Calling start_session on Module pproc
05-28 14:10:27.089   920 16871 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4045: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Module iface start_session rc = 1
05-28 14:10:27.090   920 16871 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4053: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: started_num = 1, success = 1
05-28 14:10:27.090   920 16871 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4060: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X iface
05-28 14:10:27.090   920 16877 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4035: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: E imglib
05-28 14:10:27.090   920 16877 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4042: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Calling start_session on Module imglib
05-28 14:10:27.090   920 16877 I mm-camera: <IMGLIB>< INFO> 1771: 
module_imglib_start_session: module_imglib_start_session:1771 ###Img_Loglevel 
1, moduleMask 65535
05-28 14:10:27.091   920 16877 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4045: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Module imglib start_session rc = 1
05-28 14:10:27.091   920 16877 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4053: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: started_num = 2, success = 2
05-28 14:10:27.091   920 16877 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4060: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X imglib
05-28 14:10:27.097   920 16870 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4045: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Module sensor start_session rc = 1
05-28 14:10:27.097   920 16870 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4053: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: started_num = 3, success = 3
05-28 14:10:27.097   920 16870 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4060: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X sensor
05-28 14:10:27.098   920 16875 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4045: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Module pproc start_session rc = 1
05-28 14:10:27.098   920 16875 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4053: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: started_num = 4, success = 4
05-28 14:10:27.098   920 16875 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4060: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X pproc
05-28 14:10:27.099   920 16873 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4045: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Module isp start_session rc = 1
05-28 14:10:27.099   920 16874 I mm-camera: <STATS_AIS >< INFO> 265: 
gyro_port_use_android_iface: Native sensor interface is default
05-28 14:10:27.099   920 16873 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4053: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: started_num = 5, success = 5
05-28 14:10:27.099   920 16873 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4060: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X isp
05-28 14:10:27.100   920 16874 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4045: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: Module stats start_session rc = 1
05-28 14:10:27.100   920 16874 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4053: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: started_num = 6, success = 6
05-28 14:10:27.100   920 16874 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4060: 
mct_pipeline_start_session_thread: X stats
05-28 14:10:27.100   920 16884 E mm-camera: <STATS_AIS ><ERROR> 598: 
sensor_native_thread_handler: Laser Sensor not found!
05-28 14:10:27.100   920 16884 I mm-camera: <STATS_AIS >< INFO> 643: 
sensor_event_callback: Available: GYRO_TYPE
05-28 14:10:27.100   920 16884 I mm-camera: <STATS_AIS >< INFO> 640: 
sensor_event_callback: Available: ACCELEROMETER_TYPE
05-28 14:10:27.100   920 16884 I mm-camera: <STATS_AIS >< INFO> 646: 
sensor_event_callback: Available: GRAVITY_TYPE
05-28 14:10:27.100   920 16884 I mm-camera: <STATS_AIS >< INFO> 649: 
sensor_event_callback: Available: LINEAR_ACCELERATION_TYPE
05-28 14:10:27.103  1691  1809 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: modem info is 
invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=679925040 mSleepTimeMs=7252 
mIdleTimeMs=-7252 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 491, 8, 214, 0] mRxTimeMs=15989 mEnergyUsed=0}
05-28 14:10:27.110   920 16885 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3950: 
mct_pipeline_start_stream_internal: Adding session stream streamid= 0xf for 
05-28 14:10:27.111   920 16885 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3998: 
mct_pipeline_start_stream_internal: Linking session stream for session 2
05-28 14:10:27.111   920 16885 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 463: 
mct_stream_start_link: Start linking Session-stream 0x2000f
05-28 14:10:27.111   920 16885 E mm-camera: <SENSOR><ERROR> 86: 
port_sensor_caps_reserve: session id doesn't match: 2 : 1
05-28 14:10:27.111   920 16885 E mm-camera: <IFACE ><ERROR> 333: 
iface_util_find_primary_cid: iface_util_find_primary_cid:333 error cannot find 
primary sensor format cids 1
05-28 14:10:27.111   920 16885 I mm-camera: <ISP   >< INFO> 769: 
isp_port_check_caps_reserve: port 0xe37e8f40 ide 2000f type 10 dim 0 0
05-28 14:10:27.112   920 16885 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 446: 
pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: stream 10 int_link = 0xe3768780
05-28 14:10:27.112   920 16885 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 458: 
pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: :LINK linking mods tmod and c2d for identity 
05-28 14:10:27.113   920 16885 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 458: 
pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: :LINK linking mods c2d and cpp for identity 
05-28 14:10:27.113   920 16885 I mm-camera: <CPP   >< INFO> 2106: 
cpp_module_notify_add_stream: :width 0, height 0, stride 0, scanline 0, 
framelen 0
05-28 14:10:27.113   920 16885 I mm-camera: <CPP   >< INFO> 2256: 
cpp_module_notify_add_stream: : stream 10, fmt 1, asf_mode 0, sharpness_level 
0.000000,asf mask 0, denoise 0, denoise_mask 0, dsdn mask 0,dsdn enable 0, tnr 
mask 0, tnr enable 0, ds_mask 0
05-28 14:10:27.113   920 16885 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 458: 
pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: :LINK linking mods cpp and paaf for identity 
05-28 14:10:27.113   920 16885 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 458: 
pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: :LINK linking mods paaf and sw_tnr for 
identity 2000f
05-28 14:10:27.114   920 16885 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 458: 
pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: :LINK linking mods sw_tnr and llvd for 
identity 2000f
05-28 14:10:27.114   920 16885 I mm-camera: <PPROC >< INFO> 458: 
pproc_port_add_modules_to_stream: :LINK linking mods llvd and ezt for identity 
05-28 14:10:27.116   800   846 I SDM     : ResourceImpl::SetMaxBandwidthMode: 
new bandwidth mode=1
05-28 14:10:27.118   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> openCamera: 669: [KPI 
Perf]: X PROFILE_OPEN_CAMERA camera id 1, rc: 0
05-28 14:10:27.118   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> initialize: 837: E 
:mCameraId = 1 mState = 1
05-28 14:10:27.121   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> initialize: 877: X
05-28 14:10:27.127 16866 16866 E NdkImageReader: AImageReader_getWindow
05-28 14:10:27.135   793 15382 E QCamera : <MCI><ERROR> 
mm_channel_fsm_fn_stopped: 891: invalid state (1) for evt (6)
05-28 14:10:27.135   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> 
configureStreamsPerfLocked: 1443: stream[0] type = 0, format = 35, width = 
2592, height = 1944, rotation = 0, usage = 0x3
05-28 14:10:27.138   920 16885 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4007: 
mct_pipeline_start_stream_internal: Session stream linked successfully session 2
05-28 14:10:27.138   920 16886 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3119: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000a
05-28 14:10:27.140   920 16886 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3119: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000018
05-28 14:10:27.140   920 16886 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 719: 
mct_stream_start_link: Link Metadata stream 0x20001: do nothing
05-28 14:10:27.140   920 16886 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3217: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: Linking successful for stream 0x20001 stream type=7
05-28 14:10:27.140   920 16886 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3119: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: command=8000004
05-28 14:10:27.142   886   886 E Camera3-Device: configureStreams: Stream 0: 
DataSpace override not allowed for format 0x23
05-28 14:10:27.147   886   886 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for 
request queue thread (tid 16897)
05-28 14:10:27.196   920 16872 E mm-camera: wingtech_get_calibration_items,417
05-28 14:10:27.196   920 16872 E mm-camera: wingtech_get_calibration_items,456
05-28 14:10:27.196   920 16872 E mm-camera: wingtech_get_raw_data,983
05-28 14:10:27.196   920 16872 E mm-camera: wingtech_get_raw_data,990
05-28 14:10:28.305 16332 16461 D AppMonet/BidManager: syncing bidmanager with 
05-28 14:10:28.306 16332 16461 D AppMonet/PubSubService: Message Topic -> 
05-28 14:10:28.743  2042  2042 D HeadsetPhoneState: sendDeviceStateChanged. 
mService=1 mIsSimStateLoaded=true mSignal=3 mRoam=1 mBatteryCharge=4

--- ffmpeg break ---

05-28 14:10:36.040   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.040   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.040   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.040   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.040   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.040   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.040   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.040   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.041   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.041   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.041   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.041   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.041   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.041   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.041   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.041   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.041   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.042   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.042   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.042   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.042   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.042   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.042   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.042   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.042   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.042   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.043   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.043   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.043   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.043   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.043   886 16897 E Camera3-OutputStream: getBufferLockedCommon: 
Stream 0: Can't dequeue next output buffer: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.044   886 16897 E Camera3-Device: RequestThread: Can't get 
output buffer, skipping request: Broken pipe (-32)
05-28 14:10:36.095   886   886 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: E
05-28 14:10:36.095   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> close_camera_device: 
9382: [KPI Perf]: E camera id 1
05-28 14:10:36.098   793 15382 E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> stop: 1254: Attempt to 
stop inactive channel
05-28 14:10:36.098   793 15382 E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> stop: 254: Attempt to 
stop inactive channel
05-28 14:10:36.098   793 15382 E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> stop: 254: Attempt to 
stop inactive channel
05-28 14:10:36.098   793 15382 E QCamera : <MCI><ERROR> 
mm_channel_fsm_fn_stopped: 891: invalid state (1) for evt (6)
05-28 14:10:36.099   920 16886 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3119: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
05-28 14:10:36.099   920 16886 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3337: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x20001 and stream type=7
05-28 14:10:36.100   920 16886 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3348: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x20001 and stream type=7, successfully deleted
05-28 14:10:36.101   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> closeCamera: 790: [KPI 
Perf]: E PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 1
05-28 14:10:36.102   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 189: 
mct_controller_destroy: Initiating destroy sequence for session = 2
05-28 14:10:36.102   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 207: 
mct_controller_destroy: serv_thread closed
05-28 14:10:36.102   920 16887 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 970: 
mct_bus_handler_thread_run: Force Exit
05-28 14:10:36.103   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 222: 
mct_controller_destroy: bus_handler thread closed
05-28 14:10:36.103   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4119: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session: Initiating stop_session on session 2
05-28 14:10:36.103   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3119: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: command=800000b
05-28 14:10:36.103   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3337: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: Issuing DEL_STREAM on stream 0x2000f and stream 
05-28 14:10:36.103   920   920 I mm-camera: <IFACE >< INFO> 666: 
iface_unreserve_sink_port: stream_id f mode 0 
05-28 14:10:36.103   920   920 I mm-camera: <ISP   >< INFO> 858: 
isp_port_check_caps_unreserve: ide 2000f port 0xe37e8f40
05-28 14:10:36.108   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3348: 
mct_pipeline_process_set: Stream 0x2000f and stream type=10, successfully 
05-28 14:10:36.109   920 16904 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3840: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: sensor - E
05-28 14:10:36.110   920 16905 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3840: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: iface - E
05-28 14:10:36.110   920 16906 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3840: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: isp - E
05-28 14:10:36.110   920 16906 I mm-camera: <ISP   >< INFO> 482: 
isp_module_stop_session: session id 2
05-28 14:10:36.111   920 16905 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3848: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: iface - X
05-28 14:10:36.111   920 16907 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3840: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: stats - E
05-28 14:10:36.111   920 16908 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3840: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: pproc - E
05-28 14:10:36.114   920 16906 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3848: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: isp - X
05-28 14:10:36.114   920 16904 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3848: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: sensor - X
05-28 14:10:36.119   920 16909 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3840: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: imglib - E
05-28 14:10:36.121   920 16908 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3848: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: pproc - X
05-28 14:10:36.121   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4172: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 5
05-28 14:10:36.121   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4172: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 4
05-28 14:10:36.122   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4172: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 3
05-28 14:10:36.122   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4172: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 2
05-28 14:10:36.122   920 16909 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3848: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: imglib - X
05-28 14:10:36.123   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4172: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 1
05-28 14:10:36.124   920 16907 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 3848: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session_thread: Stop module name: stats - X
05-28 14:10:36.125   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4172: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session: Modules left: 0
05-28 14:10:36.125   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4181: 
mct_pipeline_stop_session: Stopped session 2 successfully
05-28 14:10:36.125   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4467: 
mct_pipeline_destroy: E: session:2
05-28 14:10:36.125   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 4533: 
mct_pipeline_destroy: X: Pipeline destroyed successfully
05-28 14:10:36.125   920   920 D mm-camera: <MCT   >< HIGH> 246: 
mct_controller_destroy: X Successfully closed mct_controller session 2
05-28 14:10:36.126   800   846 I SDM     : ResourceImpl::SetMaxBandwidthMode: 
new bandwidth mode=0
05-28 14:10:36.127   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> closeCamera: 816: [KPI 
Perf]: X PROFILE_CLOSE_CAMERA camera id 1, rc: 0
05-28 14:10:36.128   793 15382 I QCamera : <HAL><INFO> close_camera_device: 
9384: [KPI Perf]: X
05-28 14:10:36.129   886   886 W Camera3-OutputStream: disconnectLocked: While 
disconnecting stream 0 from native window, the native window died from under us
05-28 14:10:36.129   886   886 I CameraLatencyHistogram: Stream 0 dequeueBuffer 
latency histogram (18) samples:
05-28 14:10:36.129   886   886 I CameraLatencyHistogram:         5     10     
15     20     25     30     35     40     45    inf (max ms)
05-28 14:10:36.129   886   886 I CameraLatencyHistogram:      94.44   0.00   
0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   5.56 (%)
05-28 14:10:36.130   886   886 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: X
05-28 14:10:36.130   886   886 I Camera3-Device: disconnect: E
05-28 14:10:36.134   886   886 I CameraService: disconnect: Disconnected client 
for camera 1 for PID 16866
05-28 14:10:36.135   886   886 I Camera2ClientBase: Closed Camera 1. Client 
was:  (PID 16866, UID 0)
05-28 14:10:36.135   886   886 E CameraService: binderDied: Java client's 
binder died, removing it from the list of active clients
05-28 14:10:36.205   920 16884 I mm-camera: <STATS_AIS >< INFO> 710: 
sensor_native_thread_handler: camera session close, exit the thread; free obj
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