On Thu, 17 Oct 2019, Valentin Schweitzer wrote:


I am trying to stream audio and video in an endless loop from a file to
a DeckLink Duo 2 on Windows 10. When streaming in this loop,
ffmpeg reports duplicated frames approximately at the time
the loop starts anew. The command I'm using is the following:
.\ffmpeg.exe -loglevel verbose -re -stream_loop -1 -i trailer_stereo.mp4
-pix_fmt uyvy422 -f decklink "81:4108a8c0:00000000"  2>stereo.log
where trailer_stereo.mp4 is a file containing a h264 stream at 25fps
and a resolution of 1920x1080 and an aac stream at 48000Hz.

The trailer_stereo.mp4 file was created by converting the
original (see 1.) from 5.1 audio to stereo with
.\ffmpeg.exe -i .\trailer_1080p.mov -vcodec copy -acodec aac -ac 2

After approximately every loop there seems to be a buffer underrun
for both video and audio and a few frames are duplicated.
When running this for a longer time period
the decklink stream becomes unusable.

As the audio and video streams do not appear to be equal in length,
I then tried to cut the file down to the length of the shortest stream.
The file was truncated using -shortest (again, starting from the
file linked below (see 1.)) with this command:
.\ffmpeg.exe -i .\trailer_1080p.mov -vcodec copy -acodec aac -ac 2
-shortest trailer_stereo_shortest.mp4

Now, duplicate frames still appear, but no buffer underrun is reported
(at least not this early on), when streaming it with:
.\ffmpeg.exe -loglevel verbose -re -stream_loop -1 -i
trailer_stereo_shortest.mp4 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -f decklink
"81:4108a8c0:00000000" 2> shortest.log

-re should not be used here. Also you should try this with uncompressed audio. AAC has priming at the start and at the end which is usually not discarded properly by ffmpeg causing audio/video length differences.

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