
>> % ffplay -f lavfi -i "anoisesrc[a1];sine,[a1]amix"
> is this a correct syntax if you specify only one input for amix? I'm not 
> sure. Does it mean amix gets [a1] as the first input and sine as the second 
> input, or vice versa?

It is vice versa, I don’t know if it is proper syntax, something I picked up, 
or a shorthand I found to work, but I have thought of the comma as the same as 
a semicolon with all unlabeled outputs on the left being implicitly mapped to 
any unlabeled inputs on the right, with any necessary resamplers auto-inserted 
in between. 

> Did you try

> "anoisesrc[a1];sine[a2];[a1][a2]amix”

I will try on a secondary machine (I was not expecting that crash the first 
time x_x ) and  be sure to report back. 

Ted Park

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