Am 24.04.2020 um 20:08 schrieb Edward Park:
I would now like to add stream2 as second video input and switch
between stream1 and stream2 back and forth without interrupting the
audio. Both streams are identical / come from identical cameras.

Is there any sane way to do this with ffmpeg? Or how would you
recommend doing it?
If I had to do this, I would basically composite the two streams and toggle 
opacity of the top layer between 0 and 1.
It would break if either stream had reading problems, and you would constantly 
be processing both streams which might not be desirable if you were switching 
from A to B and never go back to A, for example.

How can this be done with FFmpeg? Do you have an example? I know how commands / sendcmd works. The opacity could be toggled, or the streamselect filter could be used. But where does the switching signal come from, while FFmpeg is running?


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