This is a 'straw man' documentation of the 'bwdif' filter. Since it is a 'straw man', do not consider it to be correct. Kindly correct and post back. Pending possible further clarification, I will consider your corrections to be authoritative.

Best Regards,
Mark Filipak.

'bwdif': Generate an Output stream of picture frames from an Input stream containing a mix of picture frames (if any) & interlace frames (if any).
'bwdif' default: 'bwdif=mode=send_field:parity=auto:deint=all'.

Variables (ffprobe):
"IF" ('interlaced_frame=1') identifies an Input interlace frame.
"TFF" (IF+'top_field_first=1') identifies an IF with the top half-picture in 
the 1st field.
"BFF" (IF+'top_field_first=0') identifies an IF with the bottom half-picture in 
the 1st field.
"PF" ('interlaced_frame=0') identifies an Input picture frame.

"TFF-process" means copy the IF's 1st field to the Output's top half-picture and its 2nd field to the bottom half-picture. "BFF-process" means copy the IF's 1st field to the Output's bottom half-picture and its 2nd field to the top half-picture. "PF-process" means copy the PF's top lines to the Output's top half-picture and its bottom lines to the bottom half-picture.

Process directives:
  If TFF (or BFF), apply TFF-process (or BFF-process).
  If PF, apply PF-process.
  If TFF (or BFF), apply TFF-process (or BFF-process).
  If PF, pass the Input frame (assumed to be PF) unchanged to the Output.

Input directives:
  If TFF (or BFF), apply TFF-process (or BFF-process).
  If PF, do nothing.
  If Input frame interlace is unknown, force TFF.
  If IF, force TFF.
  If PF, do nothing.
  If Input frame interlace is unknown, force TFF.
  If IF, force BFF.
  If PF, do nothing.
  If Input frame interlace is unknown, force TFF.

Output directives: Generates 1 or 2 frames per input frame depending on 'mode'.
  Package the 2 Output half-pictures in 2 separate Output picture frames.
  Package the 2 Output half-pictures in a single Output picture frame.

Question: Does 'bwdif=deint=interlaced' mean that the Output will be variable frame rate? Output_FPS=Input_FPS+Input_FPS*#IF/#total?

Confusing: "If the interlacing is unknown or the decoder does not export this information...", then how does the filter know it's an IF?

Confusing: "The picture field parity assumed for the input interlaced video" is confusing because interlaced frames (as defined by MPEG) do not contain pictures (as defined by MPEG).

COVID-19 perspective (May 11, 2020):
The U.S. is 4% of world population, 33% of cases, 28% of deaths, accelerating.
The U.S. & S.Korea reported 1st cases on the same day, 22 Jan 2020.
In March, week 2, S.Korea (pop: 52 million) did 10,000 tests/day, 4 hour 
In March, week 2, the U.S. (pop: 328 million) did 400 tests/day, 7 day results.
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