Am Mo., 8. Juni 2020 um 16:31 Uhr schrieb Michael Kohne via
ffmpeg-user <>:

> I'm working with ffmpeg 4.2.3 that I built myself.

Please test current FFmpeg git head, the only version
supported on this mailing list.

Unrelated: --enable-nonfree has only disadvantages for you,
no advantages. --enable-runtime-cpudetect is the default
and does not do what you think it does, remove it. If the
extra-ldflags are needed, this could indicate a bug that I
would like to know more about.

And please test with file input.

Oh, and please test with a sane compiler version, yours
is antique (and if there is an issue, your compiler is a
likely reason).

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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