On 01/29/2021 07:10 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
Am Sa., 30. Jan. 2021 um 01:00 Uhr schrieb Mark Filipak (ffmpeg)

I don't know what you mean by "This does not look like the input file from your 
command line"

I meant that you provided the output file but you should (always) provide
the input file. The output file is very, very rarely useful.

Carl Eugen

Wait, let me get this right...

"This does not look like the input file from your command line" is your way of saying "you should (always) provide the input file"?

Can you see that providing such ...oblique? ...misleading? ...cryptic? clues to what you actually mean instead of providing straightforward statements ...Can you see that that's going to confuse people? ...Can you see that, when it becomes clear what you really mean, it can cause people to resent you? ...Can you see those things?
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