Dear All,

I am building a DASH VideoPlayer and I need the functionality of viewing 
thumbnails when scrolling de time bar of the video player. ¿Does FFmpeg support 
this functionality of adding thumbnails to .mpd?

My question is the same as this one retrieved from

"As of DASH-IF IOP version 4.2, section 6.2.6 defines the notion of image-based 
tracks in DASH:

This is the ability to have an adaption set made up of mime type images that 
themselves are a strip of low resolution thumbnails. A player will use these 
thumbnails when the user hovers their mouse over the video timeline and get a 
preview of the the frame at that approximate timecode.

Theo player website has a page dedicated to this function for playback:

I need to generate a dash stream (not live) using ffmpeg that also contains 
these thumbnails. I already have an ffmpeg command that will generate the film 
strip of jpgs which outputs a thumbnail every 5 seconds of input video and 
joins 5 of these together in a single jpg:

ffmpeg -i INPUT -q:v 20 -vf "select=not(mod(n\,125)),scale=480:270,tile=5x1" 
-vsync vfr output%d.jpg

and the mpeg dash itself:

ffmpeg -i INPUT -y -map 0 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 48000 -s 960x540 -vcodec 
libx264 -f dash -preset veryfast -b:v:2 1500k -seg_duration 2 output.mpd"

But I cannot find a way in ffmpeg to include the thumbnails in the dash mpd 

A lot of thanks,


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