Mark Filipak (ffmpeg) wrote
> Is there something about inputting raw frames that I don't know?
> I'm using 'vspipe' to pipe raw frames to 'ffmpeg -i pipe:'.
> The vapoursynth script, 'Mark's.vpy', is known good.
> The output of vapoursynth is known good.
> I've tried to be careful to retain valid PTSs, but apparently have failed.
> The output should be around 1200 frames, but 364 frames are dropped.
> I've frame stepped through the target, 'Mark's_script_6.mkv', and the
> frames that are there are in 
> the correct order.
> The only thing I can guess is that ffmpeg handles 48/1.001fps raw video
> frames in such a way that 
> PTS is not valid or can't be changed with 'setpts=fps=60000/1001'.
> Can anyone see an error. Or, lacking an error, does anyone know of a
> workaround?
> Thanks.
> Mark's_script_6.cmd
> =====
> ECHO from vapoursynth import core>Mark's.vpy
> ECHO video = core.ffms2.Source(source='Mark\'s_source.mkv')>>Mark's.vpy
> ECHO import havsfunc as havsfunc>>Mark's.vpy
> ECHO video = havsfunc.InterFrame(video, Preset="medium", Tuning="smooth",
> InputType="2D", 
> NewNum=48000, NewDen=1001, GPU=True)>>Mark's.vpy
> ECHO video.set_output()>>Mark's.vpy
> vspipe --y4m Mark's.vpy - | ffmpeg -thread_queue_size 2048 -i pipe:
> -filter_complex 
> "setpts=N*1001/60000/TB, split[1][2], [1]shuffleframes=0 1 2 3 3,
> select=not(eq(mod(n\,5)\,4))[3], 
> [2]tblend=all_expr='if(eq(mod(X,2),mod(Y,2)),TOP,BOTTOM)', shuffleframes=0
> 1 2 2 3, 
> select=eq(mod(n\,5)\,4)[4], [3][4]interleave" -i Mark's_source.mkv -map
> 0:v -map 1:a -codec:v 
> libx265 -x265-params "crf=16:qcomp=0.60" -codec:a copy -codec:s copy
> Mark's_script_6.mkv -y

Are you trying to keep the same frames from vapoursynth output node, but
assign 60000/1001 fps and timestamps instead of 48000/1001 ? (effectively
making it a speed up)

If so, the workaround is : add after the Interframe line

video = core.std.AssumeFPS(video, fpsnum=60000, fpsden=1001)

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