Am 17.03.2021 um 19:31 schrieb Steven Kan:
On Mar 6, 2021, at 11:22 AM, Steven Kan <> wrote:

On Mar 5, 2021, at 2:00 PM, Michael Koch <> wrote:

Am 05.03.2021 um 20:33 schrieb Steven Kan:
I’d like to assemble these videos, side-by-side, but synced in time, which
means the TrailDown video needs to start 50 seconds after the TrailUp
try this command line:

ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -i input2.mp4 -filter_complex 
"[0]tpad=start_duration=50[a];[a][1]hstack” out.mp4
Thank you! That worked perfectly, and now that I understand the syntax, this 
works as well (to pad the end of the second track by 15 sec:

ffmpeg -i Input1.mp4 -i Input2 -filter_complex 
"[0]tpad=start_duration=50[a];[1]tpad=stop_duration=15[b];[a][b]hstack” Out.mp4
More on this!

tpad=start_duration works to delay the start of one video, but now I need to 
fix the audio sync. For example this command:

ffmpeg -i TrailDown.mp4 -i TrailUp.mp4 -filter_complex 
"[0]tpad=start_duration=2.5[a];[a][1]hstack" -vcodec libx264 Coyote2Up.mp4

results in this video:

Only the left half (TrailDown) camera has a microphone, and it’s apparent that 
the audio sync is off by the same 2.5 seconds that I’ve delayed its video. You 
can hear the female coyote (with the stumpy tail) scratching the ground 2.5 
seconds before she actually does it.

What flag should I add to also delay its audio? Thanks!

Add the "adelay" filter to the filter chain:


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