I have a question that I thought should have an ‘easy’ answer – I have spent a 
lot of time searching and I cannot find it, so thought I would ask here.

My application sounds simple. I have an input RTSP stream, which I need to 
transcode and output as an RTP stream. Command line is very simple, something 

./ffmpeg -i rtsp://… -vf scale=1024:-1 -c:v libx264 -f rtp rtp://…

Now, ffmpeg is running on a CPU-constrained platform, and it may be that, in 
order for the transcoding to ‘keep up’ with the input, the output framerate 
needs to be less than the input framerate, which is totally fine. The 
problem/question is: how do I get ffmpeg to drop frames as required to keep the 
pipeline running real time?

I can’t simply ‘guess’ a sustainable output framerate and set using -r XXX or 
-vf fps=fps=XXX, because the properties of the input can change at any time, so 
any XXX won’t be constant. Besides, if the ‘guess’ is too high for the CPU 
power I have available, the encoder won’t keep up with the input frames and so 
will ‘run away’ (i.e. the time difference between each input frame and its 
corresponding output frame will get bigger and bigger), which is the problem I 
am trying to solve. On the other hand, if the ‘guess’ is too low, I will end up 
with real-time output but I will also be potentially transcoding to a lower 
output frame rate than I have the CPU power to do, which I don’t want either.

What I need is some kind of dynamic framerate filter that doesn’t take a number 
at all (or maybe takes simply a maximum), and drops frames if and only if the 
encoder can’t keep up … so the pipeline produces as high a frame rate output as 
possible, while still being real time.

I cannot figure out how to do this. Surely this wish can’t be super uncommon as 
you would imagine it would be quite important in all sorts of streaming 
applications where unlimited transcoding power is not guaranteed to be 
available. Can anyone help?

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