Am 11.04.21 um 20:46 schrieb Carl Zwanzig:
I assume you're stuck with the captures you already have, yes? (Most of the 
issues come from the analog world and ought to be fixed there- a TBC on the 
playback deck output, capturing YC outputs if available instead of composite, 
cleaning the playback heads :), etc.)
What is TBC?

One thing that can help is covering any head-switching noise at the top or 
bottom of the frame that with a black bar before re-encoding; sure, you'll lose 
a couple of lines, but they're garbage anyway and can confuse the encoder. 
Might mask a px or two on the L/R edges of the frame, too.

Thanks for your attempt to give some hints.

My question is not about head-switching effects, it mainly is about temporal 
noise. E.G., there is the hqdn3d filter, which can do both, spacial and 
temporal denoise. But I'm missing some guidance about using the parameters and 
in comparision to other denoise filters.


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