On 2021-05-15T20:16:59+0200, Steven Kan <ste...@kan.org> wrote:
> https://www.kan.org/pictures/StillsFromFFmpegVsQTPreview.gif 

You're now confusing things. From the urls in your previous e-mail it was in 
fact 'TrailDownStillQTScreenCap.jpg' that stood out, not 
I was talking about 'TrailDownStillffmpeg.jpg' and 'TrailDown.mp4'. They look 
the same (except for the jpg compression of course).
All JPGs look the same to me color and brightness wise, except for 
'TrailDownStillQTScreenCap.jpg', which indeed has its brightness turned up (and 
by the looks of it has also underwent some sharpening).


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